Partisan issue to Lefty – 5 points –

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Biden definitely has the power. He just isn't incentivized to stop it.

friend, i appreciate you and you are absolutely right. i'm not sure if you are aware of how much the US is tied to israel. i have been learning more and more everyday. one thing that chills me is that multiple states, both red and blue, including NY and TX, have stock in israel bonds in the hundreds of millions. they have tied it to the state employment pension funds. what do you think state workers would say if their pensions just vanished into thin air because israel tanked?

i don't say this to discourage or police you but we need to have that in the periphery as we are fighting the good fight and arguing with these notions of binary choices and personal responsibility and guilt you should feel should trump win (although it wasn't likely biden was going to win anyway, "nvm that" they will say). some people have their whole futures secured by the zionist project and some of them are everyday folk and may not even know what is propping up their privilege and security.

biden absolutely has the power to stop this. could he get fucking sued to fuck all because of it, i imagine so. but the pressure is on, and felt! he has said that airdropped aid will come, and that there needs to be immediate ceasefire. i haven't read the word permanent yet but this means we know its working. we just need to crank up the heat a little more and make sure we drill this screw all the way into the stud.

i don't have high hopes on the outlook and i think dune is a good reference here since timing and all. its like when paul can't see beyond certain ridges of time in his visions. i'm not trying to say that I am psychic like that but i think collectively we all have this massive anxiety and its hard to project thought and planning into the future because there are so many bends and curves that we could take that we can't predict. anyway, i appreciate your persistence here and i pray you stay safe.

biden absolutely has the power to stop this. could he get fucking sued to fuck all because of it


i imagine so.

You seriously believe the president can be sued over policy decisions? Can you quote a precedent for that?

i'm thinking zionist democrats and republicans would at least try to if he just abruptly stopped sending israel money and arms

You can’t sue a President over a policy decision or anything that is done as part of official duties. Is that seriously the extent of your understanding of the legal and political systems?

Notice the key word they use being "sue" in all of these articles. But please, go off on how uneducated we americans tend to be with legalese and government procedures. That's a very class conscious thing to point out! Would help if democrats educated people about it but then they would be able to effectively navigate the elites world.