Partisan issue to Lefty – 5 points –

As long as you aren’t somehow deluded into thinking trump would somehow be better, you can say or think whatever you like.

I mean, you can even say or think Trump would be better, too, if you want; it's a free country^1. But, also, I would ridicule you because you're deluded.

1 assumes you live in a free country; if in the USA, terms and conditions apply.

Cornel West would be better.

Cool! Do whatever you please until it comes down to the actual presidential election. Then, understand our very flawed political system has very limited options, and one is clearly significantly worse no matter what qualms you may have with the other.

Biden can do whatever he wants. And people will vote accordingly. It is Biden's responsibility to win people's votes.

People need to start showing Biden in the polls that he needs to address this issue. If Biden does not fix it he will 100% lose the elections Michigan has already proven that to us.

Once the issue is gone, people like me will stop complaining about Biden and start complaining about Trump again.

He can. And if you don't vote for Biden because he's bad, then Trump will win, Palestine will be genocided, Ukraine will be genocided, trans and gay people will be genocided. Biden will have lost nothing, meanwhile. He doesn't really want to be the president again anyway, and he's not Palestinian, Ukrainian, trans or gay.

You'll sit back, sip your martini and be "wow, look at all those genocides! Good thing I didn't vote for Biden!"

Go tell Biden to stop his Genocide instead of spending your energy defending it.

I did. He didn't listen. That's why I'm planning to not vote, and let several concurrent genocides happen that I could've stopped by voting for Biden because if it isn't going to stop all 8 genocides, what's the point of only stopping 7?

Try telling Biden again. Don't forget to tell him that he will not win unless he stops his Genocide and that makes you really sad because even though you don't care about Brown people being Genocided, surely we can't risk a White person being Genocided.

I’m not quite as pessimistic about it as you are. Regardless, not voting for biden is a vote for trump: it sucks, I don’t like it, but pretending anything else is reality is copium at best and actively aiding fascism at worst.

Pretending that Biden supporting Genocide isn't Fascism is the real copium and actively aiding fascism.

You have two candidates supporting genocide in Palestine and one that also supports genocide in Ukraine as well as concentration camps at home.

See it as an harm reduction mechanism, not an enthusiastic support. If you can't land the plane safely, choose to crash on the river rather than on the kindergarten.

You have two candidates supporting Genocide.

But only one of them has a voting base that will support it.

So you have one candidate that can support Genocide. And that's Trump.

And to be fair, I doubt Biden would support it personally if he had the political ways not to.

You mean this guy?

Or this guy?

Or maybe this guy?

Biden will try to continue it as long as he doesn't drop too far in the polls. Only if his ratings tank will he undertake action.

The most powerful man in the world doesn't have the power to not support it. Not even "stop" it, just not support it??

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Sad day that you can't use "But Trump" as an excuse to prevent Genocide since Biden is already doing the Genocide.

I mean, the choice is between "guy who supports the current genocide" and "guy who will actively accelerate the current genocide". I guess you could protest by not voting/voting third party, but that's functionally indistinguishable from just not giving a shit.

If Biden's polling numbers drop hard enough then there won't be any need to choose between "Genocide 1 and Genocide 2" because he will stop doing Genocide.

So you agree that neither of the two options will have any effect on making things better in Palestine, good. Since that's cleared up, the choice is simple, as Trump is objectively the worst option, so voting Biden is the only reasonable move in November.

Biden will not get votes if he does not stop his Genocide.

You supported his Genocide it's your responsibility if Trump wins.

Nope, Biden and Trump are the only options. Neither of them will do shit for the Palestinians in terms of making things better. The only option is to vote strategically to keep the worst guy out, and that's Trump.

Anyone who does anything in the general besides voting for Biden bears responsibility if Trump wins. That's just a fact of the two party system we have.

You make me want to give up entirely.

Doing that also lets Trump in. Actively standing in the way of a fascist takeover by Trump requires showing up for Biden at the polls.

And voting for someone actively funding a genocide. It's not worth it.

I'm sure all the LGBTQ+ folks, Muslims, and racial minorities of America who will be immeasurably harmed by another Trump presidency would disagree.

What an unconscionably privileged position to consider voting for Biden to stop Trump to be not with it.

People are dying right now. That's not a hypothetical like you're doing with a potential Trump presidency. Queer people, muslims, and minorities are dying because of Biden. That's not even addressing how Biden has done nothing to secure voting rights in the U.S.

You people keep using minorities to avoid criticism, but you aren't even listening to them right now when they vote uncommitted in Michigan.

And people will be dying regardless of whether Biden stays in office or Trump takes over. It is an absolute fact that Trump will be immeasurably worse than Biden if he wins, and refusing to vote for Biden to keep him out of office because you're too proud to vote strategically is absolutely a privileged stance to take.

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Anyone who defends the madness of pledging support to Biden while he commits Genocide actively endorses Genocide.

Neither Biden nor Trump will do anything about making Israel stop in Palestine, and Biden will be better than Trump overall as president. Refusing to vote for him is a privileged position which essentially throws gays, trans, Muslims, minorities, and the entire American democracy under the bus to satisfy your pride. It's time to grow up.

Biden will do something when he starts feeling the heat of losing enough votes.

You can try to downplay and ignore the issue. Tell the kids that they "need to support Genocide like real grown ups". But that's not going to work.

Acting like a grown-up means voting strategically, especially when the other option is a fascist. Staying home to pout, or voting third party which amounts to the same thing, is an infantile position which reeks of "I got mine, fuck everyone else" privilege.

You might weather a second Trump term okay due to your privilege. Plenty of folks won't be so lucky, and if you refuse to vote for Biden in November, you're just as guilty as the MAGA conservatives who voted for Trump if he wins.

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