MAR10 Day 2024 - Nintendo to – 60 points –
MAR10 Day 2024
  • Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door releases 5.23.2024

  • Luigi's Mansion 2 HD releases 6.27.2024

  • Dr. Mario, Mario Golf (gameboy ed.), and Mario Tennis come to Switch online after tomorrow.


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I don't know why you are getting downvoted. Their actions against yuzu and citra are particularly egregious, and unforgivable in my eyes. Especially, considering they use emulation in their own products. For instance, the nes mini used roms download from the Internet. I'll think twice about buying Nintendo products in the future, and I love Nintendo products.

He's getting downvotes because he's acting like a jackass. Like yeah, I'm pretty sure everyone here has some axe or another to grind with Nintendo, they do plenty of shitty things. But to act like their games are somehow objectively bad and that everyone who likes them is just stupid? That's just divorced from reality and overall pretty immature. Obviously it's plenty possible for someone to not personally enjoy the games Nintendo puts out, art is highly subjective, but their games are generally solid.

I like how you had to make up shit I didn't say to get mad about and justify yall making asses of yourselves in defense of exploitative capitalism.

You don't like that your shameful behavior has been called out and need an excuse to cope.

Nintendo isn't against emulation. They're against piracy, which Yuzu was facilitating. None of the emulators that don't have specific support for unreleased games have been touched so far.

Lies. They have taken down multiple classic emulation websites over the years. Yuzu was only the most recent victim of their bs.

They take down private mods made by individuals all the time, too. It's straight-up coping to deny the vile shit Nintendo does in the name of profit.