The ability to re-bind any keyboard or mouse shortcuts is major accessibility issue that I think needs more attention to – 295 points –
Customizable hotkeys

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I just want my backspace key to go back a page in my history when I press it, LIKE IT USED TO BE FOR 20+ YEARS.

But no, this is apparently a "poor UI experience", so I have to put my hand on my mouse, locate the pointer, move it to the back button, and then click.

At least Firefox allows you to rummage around under the hood and set it back.

That's fair but you can also use Alt + right/left arrow keys to move forward and back in the page history

Or the side mouse buttons can go forward and back as well. Used to annoy me until I got used to it though

I changed them to previous tab / next tab with xmousebuttoncontrol, it's awesome {ACTIVATE}{CTRL}{PGUP}

I use these mouse buttons in file explorers and electron apps too, it's actually surprising the number of apps that works on.

For some reason recently on EndeavourOS I haven't been able to use any hot keys on Firefox. No CTRL+arrows, no backspace, no CTRL+H. Not sure what happened

I bet that's because people trying to type into textbox would sometime defocus, hit back and lose all their text. At least back should go back if there's no data to lose in the tab !

Apparently you can get backspace back with

I also just gestures to go back with

You draw a leftward line with rightclick and it goes back

exactly, I accidentally lost a few things back when backspace was the default

alt+left is not that bad of a replacement