Trump will not give a penny to Ukraine - Hungary PM Orban to World – 255 points –
Trump will not give a penny to Ukraine - Hungary PM Orban

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I agree.

Ukrainians are just cannon fodder for the West. The sooner they realize they can't win without foreign troops, the sooner they can stop deluding themselves to their deaths.

Good to see another resident troll is out and about. Yawn.

It's the only time people actually engage with them, even in forums.

So edgy.

(Voiced by Richard Attenborough)

" the first signs of Spring appear, many hibernating creatures begin to wake from their slumber. Here we see the common troll emerging groggily from his burrow. He displays his stupid opinions for all to see. And now he is joined by another in his pointless cause..."

Literally what every Western military strategist says, but ok.

I guess you thought Ukraine could retake Crimea, too? Lol.

Tbh I’m just shocked you’re not banned after your blatant racism yesterday. Nice try putting words into my mouth.

Look, we get it. You don't like what I say.

But that's no reason to make up lies about me.

So you didn't think Ukraine could take back Crimea? That's all you had to say.

Gonna just act like you didn’t say people from Central America have a culture too uncivilized for due process?

It’s more who you seem to be based upon what you say and how you say it than your actual opinions that generates the contempt.

I love the transparent modlog; it makes exposing people like you that much easier.

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