Neil deGrasse Tyson Complains That “Dune 2” Isn’t a Shining Beacon of Scientific Accuracy to Not The – 306 points –
Neil deGrasse Tyson Complains That “Dune 2” Isn’t a Shining Beacon of Scientific Accuracy

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Besides the sand worms can pick up on the vibrations. It doesn’t need to be loud. Just be a consistent pattern.

So having the thump sound is there for artistic purposes. For the art. In a medium used for art.

Well, it's more than that. I think this is even mentioned in the new movies, but there's a phenomenon in Dune called "drum sand" that is a section of sand that somehow amplifies vibrations. Obviously it doesn't matter how any of this works. It's a story where, if you get high enough, you can predict possible futures. No shit it isn't realistic. No one cares.

Yup. I think that’s why it’s called Science Fiction not Science Nonfiction.