Neil deGrasse Tyson Complains That “Dune 2” Isn’t a Shining Beacon of Scientific Accuracy to Not The – 306 points –
Neil deGrasse Tyson Complains That “Dune 2” Isn’t a Shining Beacon of Scientific Accuracy

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This motherfucker watched a movie where a girl inherits all of the memories of her 4 most recent female ancestors because her mother used drugs while she was pregnant and he's like "that isn't how sound moves through sand"

Is that an actual movie cause that sounds wild

That's the story of dune, and it was covered in the 1984 movie. Idk if the new one gets into it I haven't seen it yet

It wouldn't be Dune without being overenthusastic about the capabilities of psychedelics.

He's a physicist, so he's obviously going to comment on the physics. He might've commented on it if he was a geneticist, ob/gyn, or pharmacist.

Or he could have the insight that this story wasn't going for scientific accuracy