Question: People who still frequent Reddit, has it gone back to business as usual or are the protests still having effect? to – 608 points –

I haven’t gone back since Apollo shut down, and not planning to, but I am curious.


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I wouldn't say Reddit is irrelevant at all, not yet and maybe not for a long time. But I don't care about Reddit at all anymore. I think that when Boost for Lemmy comes out I won't even look back on Reddit

What sucks is there's still a few very good subs with big communities that don't seem to be moving to the fediverse, which is still too geeky for a lot of people. However, now that Reddit is banning active members and moderators, it's a matter of weeks until the whole thing turns into 4chan-on-a-bad-day. At this rate we'll all get back to usenet by 2024.

I disagree. Reddit is dead in the water. They’ve driven away their most valuable volunteer content generators and workforce who made their entire product. There’s nothing left.

It does, however, still have value. I suspect that we’re about to see what a site looks like when thousands of traditional bots and LLMs start talking to each other without human intervention.

The Dead Internet theory is becoming reality right in front of our eyes. I can hardly believe it.