Firefighters booed New York attorney general who sued Trump for fraud. Officials are investigating to – 261 points –
Firefighters booed New York attorney general who sued Trump for fraud. Officials are investigating

NEW YORK (AP) — A union representing New York City firefighters is raising concerns about possible disciplinary action against its members after state Attorney General Letitia James was booed and a pro-Donald Trump chant broke out during a fire department ceremony last week.

The Democrat, whose office won a $355 million penalty against the Republican former president for lying about his wealth last month, faced a chorus of jeers as she addressed a department promotions ceremony Thursday in Brooklyn.


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a pro-Donald Trump chant broke out during a fire department ceremony last week

Donald Trump was on TV bragging about "owning the tallest building in downtown Manhattan now" while 343 of your colleagues were lying dead under the rubble of the twin towers on the morning of 9/11. He does not give a single shit about any of you.

I doubt most of those ones chanting were even there or were more than children when this all happened. They never got to feel the pain, but they've enjoyed the hero worship that NY put on firefighters after 9/11.

Firefighters are some of the biggest assholes I've ever met.

I don't know.. Most firefighters I've met were decent. And you don't hear many songs titled "fuck the fire department".

There's no pattern of firefighters getting away with shooting anyone. Hell, even with the police having that pattern, it took a long-ass time for them to lose their "hero" status.

Far as I know it's just the one song by Vincent E.L. And it's, uh, not serious. But kinda fun.

Fuck the fire department
Dropping by unannounced just to fry your apartment
If they can't find a fire they’re like "Why don't we start them?"
I'm tired of arson
Fuck the fire department

I cry out in bargaining, eyes to the garden
Begging release from the fire department
I might get a pardon if I do what they ask of me
Act passively
And don't do anything drastically

Clap at their pageantry, bow and scrape
Say it's sour grapes from people out of shape
You're here for our sake
And we're grateful for all you do
You're still gonna burn my house down, aren't you?

I'm out of house, home, and every single possession
Out of the frying pan and into depression
Escaped physical aggression
Into fiscal oppression
Still don't know what they meant by
"Let this be a lesson!"

We're living in an infernocracy
Things are not how we
Think they ought to be
It's a mockery but I ain't laughing
My world's on fire and I'm dying gasping

Better than the police by a long shot in my experience.

Trump was a Democrat back then, but his personality has never changed. As you said, he does not give a shit about anyone. Left or right politics, it's just who he is.

Trump has never "been" anything. He appears as what he thinks benefits him the most. He wanted to rub elbows with the city's elite, and that meant pretending to be a Democrat.

ETA: I'm not saying that he's always been a Republican either. His entire existence is a self-serving sham. He is and always has been a Trumper. Citation: His current hijacking of the RNC to pilfer their funds and line his own pockets.