Firefox looks so much better than Chrome to – 516 points –
Rhababerbarbar (

A little admiration of how easy UI customization is on Firefox, and how shitty Chromium looks.


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Except Firefox’s bookmark system on android is absolute crap and looks hideous.

Mobile browsers all suck.

What is your alternative? I want E2EE sync. Is vivaldi better? But honestly I wouldnt use their browser.

Use iceraven, it's a 🍴 of 🦊

Iceraven is a mess. Their extension list is totally random, has tons of duplicates and fundamentally incompatible ones. I went through all of them and tested them and reported what was broken and what was missing.

That alone is enough to convince me not to use their browser. Mull is based.

You can use my extension collection to get everything


Full of nonremovable crypto stuff, and it comes from a very shady company and CEO