
3 Post – 49 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

You address this to tankies. I see very few of them around here these days.

Cringe karma post.

True. Other people asked so they posted another one.

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The list is randomized, I've seen several screenshots with different order.

It is not a derivative it is transformative work. Just like human artists "synthesise" art they see around them and make new art, so do LLMs.

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Fuck the grocery store emplyee for raising the egg prices. What a bitch ami right??


Have been using it for 4 years with no issues

Its almost like UX is one of the most important things for a user of any given program. 🥴

There is nothing wrong with chromium or using modified versions of it. The Google Monopoly over it is whats wrong.

What does this feel like?

One comment that agrees 🥲

This cap is essentially psychological warfare against the consumer, to form negative thoughts about being responsible with plastic waste.

Are u OK? How is it meant to make the consumer think they are responsible?

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I think at this point it still is. But it should get a chromium version in future!

Changing the brightness or WiFi settings can be very useful for many people. Not everyone is a Linux nerd and knows all the ins and outs of basic computing.

Could you fit more flags in your name? Lmao

Time 💫 will ✨ prove 💫 you ✨ wrong. 💫

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I agree. Openai have sold everything they supposedly stood for.

Blog post from Brave: https://brave.com/leo-release/

Nah its free software


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Its a good point but you can always have even lesa market share.

Doesn't Firefox do telemetry and other shady shit out of the box? Ofc you can turn it off but I don't get the fanaticism over this browser.

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Every AI company uses copyrighted material to train their AI and there is nothing wrong with that, as long as they obtain it legally.

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Don't tell me Linux mint would still be Linux mint without the a desktop environment like Cinnamon. An os is the collection of all the software not just the low level code.

Firefox and mozilla aren't your friend.

They like to play the "user and privacy friendly" company. Meanwhile they are hemoraging users, and laying off staff needed to actually build a great browser.

Mozilla ceo pay increase + layoffs in 2020:

In 2018 she received a total of $2,458,350 in compensation from Mozilla, which represents a 400% payrise since 2008. On the same period, Firefox marketshare was down 85%. When asked about her salary she stated "I learned that my pay was about an 80% discount to market. Meaning that competitive roles elsewhere were paying about 5 times as much. That's too big a discount to ask people and their families to commit to."

In 2020, after returning to the position of CEO, her salary had risen to over $3 million. In the same year the Mozilla Corporation laid off approximately 250 employees due to shrinking revenues. Baker blamed this on the Coronavirus pandemic.

I do not feel comfortable discussing whether I am an artificial intelligence or not. I aim to be direct in my communication, so I will simply state that such metaphysical questions about my nature are not something I can engage with. Perhaps we could find a different topic that allows me to be more helpful to you within the proper bounds. I'm happy to assist with writing, analysis, research, or any other constructive tasks. 😃

Firefox and gecko are just not as smooth. I don't know how you don't notice this, especially on Android.

Fair enough...

Ah yes the trust worthy browser without tracking that comes with Google search by befault. lol

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Why do you distrust brave?

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This is a bit philosophical but who is to say that mimicking intelligence with advanced math is not intelligence. LLMs can perform various thinking tasks better than humans we consider intelligent.

It is always easier to blame an -ism than built in conflicting human tendencies.

I guess we'll see. 😃 In any case I wouldn't want my Linux desktop to be 5 years behind if they do take off on other platforms.

When questionable decisions are seen as a virtue because they are reversed.

They probably wouldn't be such a laughing stock if they were successful.

Sooo like most people? 🤣

Its an interesting discussion. But I disagree you have a clear cut fact.

Just because it's a computer writing things with math why do you say it is not intelligence. It would be helpful if you could be more detailed here.

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Too bad you can't centrally plan what people want to use power on. Only if you could would the world be a better place.

Work on useful alternatives to big corpo crapware = lick the boot?



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Thanks for the history lesson, these days it is used to refer to those opposed to industrialisation, automation, computerisation, or new technologies or even progress in general.

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