Brave just released their own privacy-preserving AI assistant named Leo. to – -5 points –

You can test it in Brave Nightly 1.59.


I'm supposed to trust BRAVE with privacy? Did I receive a massive head injury and not realize it?

Why do you distrust brave?

Uninstalled Brave and went to Firefox after that “AI training” article came out…:didn’t know about the anti-LGBT donations. Fuck Brave with a baseball bat. That would have been by reason too if I didn’t see the AI one

Glad to be away from the Chromium conglomerate too

FF had a pretty shaky time some years back with their themes and whatnot but man did they turn things around.

Their browser is fast, clean, simple and elegant. It’s honestly the best browser I’ve tried in recent years.

Super impressed and overjoyed they are still fighting the good fight!

Every AI company uses copyrighted material to train their AI and there is nothing wrong with that, as long as they obtain it legally.

If you think something being legal automatically makes it not-wrong, I don't trust you on... well, much of anything, but especially privacy

Obtaining it legally is one thing. Using it according to the license is at least just as important. Specifically if they trained it on content under GNU GPL or Creative Commons SA licenses, I'd like the result published under these licenses too.

Last time I checked they were still injecting code in random pages (for example on old reddit where each post in the list of a sub had additional stuff that was a PITA to disable).

Profit Corpo
Bad Rep in the past. ( MULTIPLE TIMES - the Crypto "Incident", Ads replaced by Braves Ads even with disabled option, but should be "fixed" now, and because it uses v3 it still requests the ad elements. The Affiliate incident )
Privacy policy is more "hidden" then normal. ( Personal Opinion! )
CEO is an but hole now and made dirty things before brave.
Brave is Chromium based = Controlled by Google and with it they support Google.

See this post for more shady stuff:

In the comments: crypto bros and privacy nerds have the same shit fight they always have in every brave post. I honestly don't think anyone even uses this browser and likely never will.

I use it for YouTube and spotify because the ad block works. Firefox i had some sites that wouldn't work with the extensions I have running

...Aaaand I'm officially tossing the browser. AI has it's place, and that is not embedded in every fucking program I use.

How is Brave covering cost of this thing?

There is a paid subscription tier of the brave search which certainly is used to partitially fund this project. Other than that. Brave also serves ads in their search results for free users. Those however are not based on your profile but are based on your current search (similar how DuckDuckGo and Startpage are handling their ads).

sorry you got downvoted by mob mentality. Thanks for sharing

I mean, they're scummy but you're right. There's no reason to downvote news. OP isn't advertising.

OP advertised it in my opinion. Because he didnt talked about it. Just posted a pic and small text.

If I were to post a link to a Google Chrome "What's New" post and say nothing else, would I also be advertising?

The hivemind/stupidity and the amount of Mozilla apologists among supposed techies amazes me everytime. I'm glad I left Mozilla community and FF a few years ago and I find extremely satisfying watching them slowly dying. I'll celebrate the day Mozilla and its shitty community ceases to exist.