Joe Biden suddenly leads Donald Trump in multiple polls to politics – 551 points –
Joe Biden suddenly leads Donald Trump in multiple polls

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Meh israel does not provide any security anymore. If anything they make the region less secure and unified against America.

Saudi is bending over backwards to keep supporting israel for America.

Meh israel does not provide any security anymore.

No disrespect meant, but that is a factually ignorant statement to make. We regular people don't see allot of whats going on in the background.

No we just see israel committing Genocide after Genocide and destabilizing the entire middle east.

We regular people don’t see allot of whats going on in the background.

No we just see israel committing Genocide after Genocide and destabilizing the entire middle east.

Exactly. We don't see all the behind the scenes stuff for security reasons.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think any military/country is allowed to kill civilians to get to their enemies, ever. A country doesn't get to use an 'our enemies are in that population zone so we can destroy the population zone to get to them' excuse.

But there's a lot of history, security wise, going on between America and Israel, that is not so easily dismissed.

There's plenty of videos of the AIPAC lobby bribing American politicians. As for the rest, even folks like Kissinger said that israel just exists to protect israel. Not American interests in the middle east.

Have you ever heard of the word "oil"?

They're the most friendly nation in that area to us, even more so than the oil producing countries, and we rely on them for security for access to that oil.

Not at all. Saudi and Egypt are already American dogs. If anything israel turns their population against the ruling class.

They’re the most friendly nation in that area to us, even more so than the oil producing countries, and we rely on them for security for access to that oil.

Saudi and Egypt are already American dogs.

There's a huge difference, security wise, between Israel, and Saudi Arabia / Egypt.

Do you know how many American bases are in Saudi Arabia? It's a lot more than you'd expect.

Do you know how many American bases are in Saudi Arabia?

I do. It's not a matter of quantity of bases. It's a matter of a friendship relationship, versus just a working relationship, and the amount of access and cooperation that each gives.

Are you aware of how much work and cooperation the CIA and the Mossad do together, and the access to the region through Israeli that the CIA has, to maintain access to oil rich fields in the region? No, you don't, and neither do I, which is my point.

You're not going to hand wave away Israeli infrastructure cooperation with the US.

America just as well controls the Egyptian secret service.

In the past israel might have been an asset. Now they are a liability.

The only real reason America still supports them is because they have bought all of congress. The other "benefits" do not outweigh the costs.

You're absolutely not wrong with the fact that Israel has one hell of a lobbying effort inside of the US government, and then many if not most politicians are afraid of it, I'll definitely give you that.

Though having just said that, I just watched on CNN Senator Schumer calling publicly for Netanyahu to be replaced and for new elections to happen in Israel, that Netanyahu no longer fits the needs of Israel. So that Israeli lobby is not all powerful, apparently.

But I still can't really agree with you on the other point. I believe the US is involved with Israel infrastructure-to-infrastructure wise, for security reasons, and because of that we can't really just dismiss Israel out of hand (and they know it).

I will wrap up our conversation by saying this. I really do wish that, as a citizen, we didn't have all these dependencies in other parts of the world, where there's moral/ethical problematic issues that we have to hold our nose for, to keep those dependencies working.

I do personally believe in doing the right thing, and would want the country in which I belong to to be the same way.