House Republicans Are Suddenly Desperate to End Biden Impeachment to politics – 440 points –
House Republicans Are Suddenly Desperate to End Biden Impeachment

House Republicans know that their rapidly shrinking majority—and their lack of evidence—has put them in an impossible position.

Despite drumbeating for more than a year to impeach Joe Biden, House Republicans have quietly begun looking for an off-ramp in the face of an overwhelming lack of evidence against the president—and a rapidly shrinking majority in the chamber.

Republicans have accused Biden and his son Hunter of corruption and influence peddling, but their lengthy investigation has failed to turn up any proof of the president’s wrongdoing. In fact, the biggest criminal act revealed during the course of the probe was committed by the GOP’s own star witness, Alexander Smirnov. The Department of Justice has accused him of making up the allegations against the Biden family that jump-started the whole impeachment effort.

As the investigation crumbles, Republicans are starting to sour on it entirely. “I don’t think we have the will to impeach Joe Biden,” Texas Representative Troy Nehls told Fox News on Tuesday. “We just don’t.”


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I thought it was a good joke. Not sure why people are down voting you.

Presumably because they already hinted at that joke, I just didn't think it was obvious enough. Others clearly disagreed

I thought my hints were pretty obvious, without being overt. I didn’t downvote you, but I did consider replying with the ol’ “that’s the joke” meme.

Meh, if it's not a serious comment then down voted don't really matter. If it was, it'd be more disappointing because that tends to stifle conversation.

the poster already made the roe joke. forced to carry it to term. then this genius chimed in: insert roe joke as if that wasn't just done here, and they didnt even bother to make a joke


Oh yeah. Apparently my reading comprehension has dropped. I missed the first joke.