Netflix is bringing back Black Mirror in 2025 to – 60 points –
Netflix is bringing back Black Mirror in 2025

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Black Mirror was good when it was British. The American version is crap.

I wouldn't say the American version is crap, but it pales in comparison to the early seasons.

Everything up to Bandersnatch was fun to watch, even if some were better than others.

I think Striking Vipers was the only one I watched from Season 5, not because I hated it but because it didn't catch me like prior seasons. Maybe I have just seen enough that the novelty has worn off.

I think part of the change in writing quality is that reality has caught up. it's hard to be thought provoking and forward thinking about the dangers of our own advancement when we are now living it daily, at an accelerating rate.

I think they could either play into that hyper-accelerating advancement thing (which is an existential threat on its own, look at how fast AI is advancing, we're decades ahead of where we thought we would be, and getting faster still), or do more of the alt-history style episodes they've done a few of, more original stories than the old on-the-nose tech warnings. Basically be a live action love death and robots.

The sudden drop in quality was extremely noticeable. I didn't realize different people were making it - that makes so much sense.

The first Netlfix season (season 3 I think?) was still good. But aside from that, I agree.