Nonbinary genders beyond 'male' and 'female' would have been no surprise to ancient rabbis, who acknowledged tumtums, androgynos and aylonot to World – 453 points –
Nonbinary genders beyond 'male' and 'female' would have been no surprise to ancient rabbis, who acknowledged tumtums, androgynos and aylonot

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Modern Christianity seems to prohibit abortion. Historical and modern Judaism seems fine with abortion.

Judaism puts health and safety of individuals over anything else, including the religion. A doctor can work on the shabbos if someone's life is in need, a mother can get an abortion if their life is in danger, and a starving man can eat pork if it is the only sustenance they have.

Judaism isn't really fine with abortion. Just allows it in certain situations, especially if the mothers health in in danger.

The King James Bible actually gives advice on how to abort a baby if it was conceived out of wedlock. Not to mention all the time it said life begins at the first breath. It seems to be more about controlling women than anything else.

@Lilith02 @JAM Do you have the passages for that? I may need to use them

@kmkz_ninja You absolutely rock! Thank you!

Though you might have fun talking with someone, I promise you won’t change minds with these verses.

I learned long ago that people don’t care what the Bible says. They only care what their spirituals leaders say.

“I git what yer sayin’ but I just thank it is wrong to keeuhl a bay bee. If god didn’t want tat bay bee the mom wouldn’t uh gawt pregnant. Brother Dave is a great man and he reads uh Bible ever day. He said life begins at conception.”

That’s what you’re going to get every single time. I promise.

If only they were intelligent enough to recognize the protestant reformation literally happened because a bunch of people went "Hey! I don't think we should just accept whatever some dude behind a pulpit has to say about our religion! We should just read the bible for ourselves and figure out what it says!"

Fast forward and here we are, with a bunch of people who can't even get their act together long enough to read their holy book just swallowing whatever some dude on stage tells them to believe and how to vote based on it.

It sucks, it really does.

Cults couldn’t exist at all if that wasn’t part of our nature though. “I’m an idiot. Someone has to know the way. This mystical lookin’ motherfucker HAS to know the answers. Oh, he said he does. I’m all in.”

The idea about breath is common in the old testament, Adam for example was given the "breath of life" and that was the moment he was considered alive. Just like the phrase "know in your heart" indicated that they believed human consciousness resided in the chest, they also thought breath was the indicator of life.

The Numbers text was supposedly a test from God to see if a wife had been unfaithful, and that's what Christians will no doubt claim about it, but in reality it's instructions on how to create a poison that WILL cause a miscarriage and then claim that it's God telling them she was unfaithful.

The one verse they use to support pro life isn't even an actual doctrinal idea. It's a poem from the book of Proverbs where the prophet Jeremiah was singing about how God had a plan for his life from the very beginning. Nothing about it is intended to be used as a medical interpretation about where and how life starts.