It wasn't just the goblins — is J.K. Rowling doing Holocaust denial now? to – 444 points –
It wasn't just the goblins — is J.K. Rowling doing Holocaust denial now?

The most famous forms of Holocaust denial and revisionism tend to focus on Jews, casting doubt, for example, on how many were exterminated in the camps. But denying the impact the Nazis had on the other groups they targeted, including queer and trans people, disabled people and Romani people, is still Holocaust denial. Maybe someone should tell J.K. Rowling.


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In her mind she IS fighting for "right vs wrong". She's just REALLY fucking wrong about which side is "right". One of the biggest things I've learned in life is that EVERYONE thinks that they're the hero. That they're doing good and the "others" are the bad guys. Rowling is a piece of a shit but she THINKS she's the good guy and that's the most dangerous part of all.

I disagree. I have felt like crap many times when I did what I consider the wrong thing. She knows what she is doing which pretty much only leaves sociopath or sadistic. Either way time to stop apologizing for her.

No one is apologizing for her. You felt like crap when you did something wrong because you realized it was wrong. Good people make mistakes and learn from them. People should be like you. She thinks she's doing right and is a pig headed bigot. People should not be like her.

She thinks she’s doing right

How did you determine that? Not trying to be snarky and I think it is important to give everyone the assumption of good faith (once) but I really don't see any effort on her part that confirms this.

She hasnt even done the fake non-apology celebrity thing where she pays a charity and says she has to learn more. she has repeatedly doubled down.

I'm heavily confused by this. If she thought she was doing wrong she'd do the whole apology tour. Which she hasn't, as you said. Your two paragraphs don't play well with each other. She has exactly doubled down, which means she thinks she's right so I have no idea what point you're trying to argue.

I do something wrong, I know it's wrong. Someone calls me out on it.

  1. Yeah you are right = lose face admit that I wasnt being a good person.

  2. No, I am right = don't lose face and say it enough no longer feel guilty. Because now you get to feel like you are the real victim here. And a victim can never be wrong.

This is why you keep getting these well liked rich fucks bitch about how much harm has been done to them by being cancelled. That woman quite literally has a net worth equal to what I will earn if I worked for over 10,000 years. And yet she is the victim in this? Hell I bet every single trans person combined net worth in the UK isn't equal to her own.

She knows she is wrong but she thinks if she keeps saying 2 + 2 = 5 she will win.

Yes, that's...that's what I'm saying lol. Which is why your argumentative nature of the post confused me. And still does. Well, sorta. She DOESNT know she's wrong because she 100% believes she's right and everyone else are the "bad guys". That's my whole point. She DOESNT GET that she's wrong. It's everyone ELSE who is wrong.

She knows she is wrong.

Why do you say that? There's heaps and heaps of evidence of her believing she's right, I'd honestly like to hear this take.

It's weird to me because I don't view her in the same way I do, say, Republicans or Trump or Bannon or Miller or Putin, etc. For all intents she is a bleeding-heart leftist who vehemently opposes the narrative of the right's fearmongering in respect to most other issues. If she was just another greedy sociopathic republican-type then I wouldn't be the least-bit surprised.

So I'm not convinced she's a psychopath sociopath on par with the aforementioned; from what I can tell I do think she's deeply confused and has some personal trauma that feeds a puritannical belief in feminism.

If she was a leftist, Harry wouldn't have become a cop. Hermione wouldn't have been ridiculed about SPEW until she gave up. And so on.

Unless she is the most pessimistic leftist who can't even dream of a world where things change for the better when she creates that world all by her own.

What gate-keeping philosophy suggests all leftists must oppose cops -- did I not get the memo? I didn't realize she's a Thatcher plant because Harry went to work for the Ministry and overhaul it for a place of good lol.

In a capitalist society, cops are mostly busy with protecting rich people. I don't think a material analysis of what cops are and do will result in anything that redeems the institution as it is now.

Hot take but I think that probably over-generalizes the role of police and is particularly centered specifically around American cop culture and not, say, European or Scandinavian ones.

Thus I remain unconvinced that this is what they are destined to do. If good cops exist, then it's a matter of altering the system and model to promote good instead of bad seeds no differently than paying teachers better, or giving nurses more training.

That's not how it works. Not in America and not here in Germany. Good cops only exist until one of their comrades fucks up, then they're bullied out of their job unless they cover for them.

It's a self purifying system.

Trans-exclusionary radical feminists (TERFs) are a thing. I'm not sure why but it is. There are many. From what I've seen it's mainly women who are SO heavily misandrist and hateful of men they think any trans woman is still a man and therefore out to rape and kill them by design, but I haven't looked that deep into the bigotry.