Montana Man Pleads Guilty to Federal Wildlife Trafficking Charges as Part of Yearslong Effort to Create Giant Hybrid Sheep for Captive Hunting to Not The – 219 points –
Montana Man Pleads Guilty to Federal Wildlife Trafficking Charges as Part of Yearslong Effort to Create Giant Hybrid Sheep for Captive Hunting

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Wow. I hope you didn’t sprain something with those mental gymnastics and all of those false equivalences in order to dismiss the outrageous moral and ethical implications of despicable things these people did.

No, I'm fine, thanks. I might, though, when I try to find what you're talking about... Out of curiosity, which points of my TLDR trigger you so much?

trigger you so much?

If you’re gonna troll, don’t be so obvious

Possibly poor wording, not a native speaker here. I apologise if I offended you. I would really appreciate if you could point out particular points which you find "outrageous and despicable".

You didn’t offend me, and I’m not triggered. As far as pointing things out: I did. Several times. In detail. I simply don’t know how to make it clearer.

I accept your apology nonetheless. Have a nice day.

I would've thought that picking some of the 5 distinct points I provided to be absolutely clear would be simple. Apparently not. Nice day to you, too.