Rule of mischief to – 520 points –

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I think that is a separate circumstance all together.

How so? They are a shapeshifter, I don't think intersex forms would be off limits if gender swapping and animals/non-humans are fine.

The whole point of gender identity is that there is no guaranteed link between a person's sex and gender.

Even more so with shapeshifters since they can change sex and form at will, like changing an outfit.

A person with multiple sex characteristics could identify as nonbinary and that is completely valid.

Still true, it's just a bit different with shapeshifters because they can change their form in ways most people can't.

How so? They are a shapeshifter, I don’t think intersex forms would be off limits if gender swapping and animals/non-humans are fine.

I was referring to human persons, not ice giant persons with shapeshifting powers. Which is what I assumed the question I was answering was referring to since they were responding to a comment I wrote that was answering a question that I assume refers to human persons.

Also even in the case of beings with shapeshifting powers, genitalia are irrelevant to gender identity.

I would say it's even more irrelevant in that case, since shapeshifters can change their body and appearance at will, as easily as changing clothes.