In Poland firefighters were called to a house fire. There were no people inside the house but there was a terrified bunny that the firefighters rescued from the flames. to – 398 points –
Poddasze spłonęło. Ludzi nie było, strażacy uratowali przestraszonego królika -

According to the article the top floor of the house and the roof had burned down completely. The firefighters had to bust in the door and use oxygen masks to get inside. The bunny was found inside an enclosure in one of the rooms. It was panicked and difficult to catch but they succeeded in rescuing the cute little furball. The owners are very happy about the rescue.


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Since when should country size play a role in government support? There are planes ffs. If your military can operate in the middle of a desert with no utilities, you should be able to support a stable civilian management in rural places.

The guy specifically opted out of it. He could have paid the tax but didn’t, and he paid the price for it.

If you can opt out of it, it’s not a tax. It’s an insurance. Taxes pay for everyone.

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