Public Broadcasters of Europe, Let's All Join Mastodon! to – 257 points –
Public Broadcasters of Europe, Let's All Join Mastodon!

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I wrote to about a dozen journalists on Linked who loved to complain about Elon Musk on Twitter. A short paragraph saying about how Mastodon is growing and that the best way to combat Musk power would be by stripping his platform of reputable people.

Zero responses.

Linkedin is a cesspool and nothing but a dumpster fire. I wish I wasn't pressured to joining it for job searches.

LinkedIn seemed great for me, lots of job listings and it made applying for jobs relatively simple (for the ones that allowed auto-fill)

I hear people post stuff on it but I can't see why that's relevant so I've never looked at that feature

I have been looking for a job for 4 months now and have never used LinkedIn to search. I had very good experiences with Google for Jobs, where I could set up alerts for certain search terms and the radius in which I was searching, whereby you can also exclude cities if necessary. This meant I didn't have to use another job board, I only used it for forwarding. Since the last rework, Google for Jobs almost always finds the company websites with the job advertisments directly, so I no longer have to look at job boards at all, a very pleasant experience. I used LinkedIn once to test it and all that came up was generic crap, it's unbelievable how a site that's supposed to be about professional life can be so sub-par at finding jobs. But soon you can play games on LinkedIn, that should solve all their problems. And just to conclude this post, I successfully found a job with this method.

Same. I wrote to youtube channels complaining about youtube, orgs saying they reducing their twitter activity, politicians talking about "data sovereignty", and a few more. Most responses were either non-committal or non-existent.

I think people just love to complain.


Complaining about the platform you're on is a good way to drive a lot of engagement from all the other people on the platform who also hate being there!