Russia-Ukraine War Mega Thread | June 25 - July 8 2023locked to World – 100 points –

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Is Ukraine winning?

Absolutely. Russians are running out of everything, Ukraine is not. How long either side can keep up though, who knows?

Seems like the strategy of running into defensive lines doesn't work so Ukraine now looks to be doing work taking out artillery, bombing supply lines and clearing trench lines

You're absolutely wrong and you've got it backwards.

Ukraine has ran out of everything they've had pre-2024 conflict and is running out of everything they've gotten after conflict started up until now. Ukraine relies 100% on foreign military assistance, where as Russia does not, how? because they are manufacturing their own equipment. The Ukrainian navy and airforce does not exist because they are destroyed, where as Russia's naval & air forces is still operating.

The saddest & most tragic thing about this entire conflict is that Ukraine has been mobilizing since 2014 until now, they've extended mobilization until August. Where as Russia has only done ONE partial mobilization late last year in December. That speaks volumes on which side has the most casualties.

Furthermore, the Russian strategy has changed but the objectives remain the same: 1. De-militarize Ukraine & 2. have full control of the four regions they've annexed and are now part of Russia. While Ukraine's objectives are 1. Push the Russian forces out. So when you look at the objective map, Russia's objectives are working and Ukraine's objective has turned into playing aggressive defense while begging for foreign assistance and aggressive mobilization.

So militarily Russia is winning & Russia is losing.

LOL, great analysis comrade. You get paid for that? Simple fact is Ukraine now has more tanks than Russia, better troops, better weapons, better reason to fight. Enjoy watching Russia become North Korea, сука

Ukraine now has more tanks than Russia, better troops, better weapons, better reason to fight

And yet the counter-offensive failed, so your analysis is wrong.

As expected, not a single Ukrainian supporter who's living in the delusion & fantasy of a Ukrainian victory has so far challenged my points.

Anybody else want to try?

They're doing so well Putin fled moscow when his mercenaries came to bring him a victory cake.

Russia is collapsing and it's glorious to watch.

I look forward to the lines of t-34s that will replace the already dwindling t-55s.

And once more, another reply that fails to challenge all of my points. It's hilarious when delusional Ukrainian supporters speak about equipment because 1 country is self-sufficient and the other relies on 100% foreign assistance, can you tell which one is which? also, there's an entire list of the 'wunderwuffle' "game changer" equipment that Ukraine was sent, what happened to them? I thought the Leopards were going to be the latest game changers until we seen them get destroyed. What's the next "game changer" in your books? cluster bombs? are you going to keep begging for attack aircrafts that will get destroyed as soon as they fly on the frontlines? can you please show me images of the CURRENT & ACTIVE Ukrainian air force & naval forces? Speaking of countries collapsing, the longer this goes on the deeper hole Ukraine sinks in: when US sits with Russia at the negotiating table that Ukraine wont be invited too because they are nothing but a peon being used as a proxy, US will need to give up territory for peace, those 4 regions & Crimea will forever be Russia's and when this entire thing is over with it will be memory-holed in the minds of the general population and Ukraine will be nothing but a weak pathetic farm country.

You don't get it at all, do you?

Ukraine was a peon. Now they're a player, a western-aligned player. ON RUSSIA'S DOORSTEP. And they fucking hate Russia.

Georgia is next, then the rest. Russia complained about being surrounded, they get to see what that really feels like.

They put literally everything they had into Ukraine and went nowhere, to the point that Prigozhin strolled halfway to moscow with 0 resistance (unless you count the jets he shot down).

Everybody in the world is watching this and laughing because the great and powerful Russia is now a joke, and when people no longer fear the bully, that bully dies.

Putin has months at best. I get to watch a 2nd Russian revolution in my lifetime.

Btw, if Ukraine is truly nothing? Why is Russia having so much trouble there? Aren't they supposed to be a world power?