Second largest Lemmy instance preemptively un-friends Facebook to – 3546 points – has now blocked


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You need to read up on how Google destroyed XMPP and come back and edit your comment.

Would you mind explaining how they're going to do this with fediverse? Like explain using your own words and not just linking that same article everyone is spreading around. It seems like no one is cabable of giving ELI5 or even ELI15 answer to this.

You're a woodworker. You've developed skills that only few have. Carpentry Inc. approaches you regarding a partnership: you share your skills, they offer you their platform. Win-win, right? Now Carpentry Inc. decides to adapt the knowledge you provided, cutting you out of everything. You're powerless against a multi-billion corporation. All your years of work are gone. You're nothing more than an afterthought.

That's more or less the playbook.

That's Google, not Meta

Damn, I think everyone missed that detail! We're talking about two completely different companies here -- my mind is blown! Just look at the Hemming distance between "Google" and "Meta"! I'm convinced! Meta will never follow Google's footsteps.

Now how about you take a nice, cold shower and re-think your comment.

Meta have shown interest in supporting decentralised networks, such as wanting to create a decentralised metaverse

you actually think corporations will always keep their word, don't you

and that somehow Google acting like it does is like some fluke or one bad apple or something, rather than Google acting in ways very normal and common to corporations