Kyle Rittenhouse storms off stage after being confronted by students to politics – 916 points –
Kyle Rittenhouse storms off stage after being confronted by students

Kyle Rittenhouse abruptly departed the stage during an appearance at the University of Memphis on Wednesday, after he was confronted about comments made by Turning Point USA founder and president Charlie Kirk.

Rittenhouse was invited by the college's Turning Point USA chapter to speak at the campus. However, the event was met with backlash from a number of students who objected to Rittenhouse's presence.

The 21-year-old gained notoriety in August 2020 when, at the age of 17, he shot and killed two men—Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, and Anthony Huber, 26, as well as injuring 26-year-old Gaige Grosskreutz—at a protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

He said the three shootings, carried out with a semi-automatic AR-15-style firearm, were in self-defense. The Black Lives Matter (BLM) protest where the shootings took place was held after Jacob Blake, a Black man, was left paralyzed from the waist down after he was shot by a white police officer.


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Kyle Rittenhouse is the Greta Thunberg of the right-wing. Change my mind.

Greta Thurnberg a young woman appalled by politicians watching the world burn and doing nothing, unwilling to make even the smallest sacrifice for future generations.

Kyle Rittenhouse racist proud boy who murdered black [lives matter supporters] people for fun and profit.

Yeah, I can see how they fit the bold young activist figurehead role for each side, but the juxtaposition REALLY highlights how disgusting right wing politics are.


Not a single person shot by Rittenhouse was black, and were in fact all white.

My point probably came across a bit faulty. Sorry for that, not a native english speaker.

I'm in full support of Greta, I think she's great. And I think what Rittenhouse is a piece of shit, but he's a product of an environment that brought him up like that and now idolize him.

My point, even though it came out poorly, was that its weird that for right-leaning people Kyle was acting within his rights, and did the right thing are also saying Greta Thunberg is a puppet controlled by "leftie adults" for propaganda.

And the left-leaning would probably say the same but in vice versa.

It's just interesting for me how each group has chosen their infallible idol who is mature and can do no wrong, who happen to be around the same age, and frankly, children.

Yeah, I understood what you were saying. I don't get the downvotes you're getting. I was just adding that it's a sad reflection of reality that those two people play the same role. Goes to show how fucked up the right wing has gotten.

I don't agree with everything you just said but we vibin'

I don't think Greta has murdered anyone, though.

Greta delivers her own speeches. Kyle doesn't really fathom why he's been pushed into the spotlight, and is not a great public speaker.

Also, Kyle cries a lot more than Greta.

Besides being young, there is no other correlation.

Can't change your mind, you're not listening to anything that doesn't say what you want to hear.

Like, in the same way the Turner Diaries are the Right's Parable of the Sower?