Russia says United States must share any information it has on attack near Moscow to World – 107 points –

MOSCOW, March 22 (Reuters) - Russia said on Friday that if the United States knew for sure that Ukraine was not involved in a mass shooting incident at a concert hall near Moscow Washington should share any information it had.

White House spokesperson John Kirby said earlier on Friday that there was "no indication at this time that Ukraine, Ukrainians were involved."


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Ok here's the information: stop being imperialist fascist fucks and start prioritizing your domestic security in a responsible way. Signed, USA

Knock, knock! It's irony!

Fucksake mate, they can't even recognise sarcasm when they read it, irony is beyond comprehension 😂're not serious, right? 😂😂😂

I'm mean, it would be hypocritical, but doesn't mean it's wrong.