Eric Trump says he was laughed at while attempting to secure his dad's $454 million bond to Not The – 595 points –
Eric Trump says he was laughed at while attempting to secure his dad's $454 million bond

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Meanwhile, Daddy was bragging on truth social that he had $500 million in cash a couple days ago

Wait. Hasn't he a gofoundme going? If he is bragging about having the money already, what does he need the donations for. 🤔

But what do i know.. I'm just a dumb European and the conservative Americans are so much smarter then me. They'll def are correct in further donating for Don Poorleon. 👍

  • He claims he has half a billion in liquid cash.
  • He has a donate to his legal expense portal.
  • He's attempting to borrow from anyone dumb enough to lend to him.
  • He's using the RNC as a personal piggy bank.

Some of these may overlap. And borrowing to pay expenses while using the interest as a tax deduction is a long utilized tool of the rich. But his real assets are intended to act as collateral on these loans.

With outstanding loan debt, judgments that can seize his assets, and mounting other leaks in his financing, this is his margin call on all the bad bets he's made. Including betting on himself.

He thinks that simply having his name on something means it's his to do as he please. But when the government and the banks start calling, it's his ass.