Do you daily drive Wayland, if so since when, if not when will you? to – 223 points –

I've been on Wayland for the past two years exclusively (Nvidia).

I thought it was okay for the most part but then I had to switch to an X session recently. The experience felt about the same. Out of curiosity, I played a couple of games and realized they worked much better. Steam doesn't go nuts either.

Made me think maybe people aren't actually adopting it that aggressively despite the constant coverage in the community. And that maybe I should just go back.


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When network keyboard and mouse sharing works. It is the only thing stopping me going full Wayland.

Are you using synergy? I have that but don’t use it anymore since they changed their code and I began to feel like a beta tester, but your point stands nonetheless. I always use Wayland on VMs but my main machine is X11 because I keep running into edge cases that make using Wayland inconvenient.

Does input-leap help?

Nope, synergy, barrier and input leap all break if I use Wayland on either or both machines.