Windows 10 and its shortage of "Never shove this screen in my face again" buttons to Mildly – 836 points –

Can't wait to graduate so I don't have to run Respondus and keep dealing with this crap


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This is a thing that annoys me and it's not just Microsoft doing this: there's never a "No" button, it's always "Not now" or "Maybe later". As if i'm going to reconsider. As if it's an honest offer worth thinking about and not a pop-up.

If anything, I'm even further disincentivised to log in if they're threatening to remotely copy my hard drive. That just sounds like a scam.

Pro Tip: You can create a local only account on a New PC as long as you skip connecting to wifi during setup.

With the current Windows 11 installer this doesn't work anymore.
But you can download the ISO, use Rufus to create a USB boot stick and disable all the requirements (account, RAM, TPM, CPU generation) in Rufus' options. Also lets you auto-deny all telemetry options and create a user account without prompting.

Why would you want Windows 11? Great tips, though.

Because Windows 10 Support runs out next year.

Quite a lot of people in my country still use Windows 7, even 4 whole years after support ended, they really don't wanna give it up.

I wonder if the same will be true for Windows 10.

I guess "no" implies "this is your only chance to permanently decide".
"Remind me later" is obviously going to be an annoying reminder.
"Maybe later" or "Not now" indicates it can be changed later, but might also come with annoying reminders.

It's like an annoying kiosk salesman at the mall but he'll show up in your livingroom when you least expect it.

This is what life is like for women. So many men are taught to not take "no" for an answer, and just keep pressuring her, waiting for her to wear down and give in.

Also the story of almost all Hollywood romcoms.