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The cure to transphobia comes in 50 caliber doses

ugh i don’t really like this comment :(

a) that’s a pesticide sprayer, not a gun

b) the cure to violent transphobia for sure is violence.

but the cure to transphobia, in general?

idk. i have loved ones who used to be worse and gradually came around just by living and knowing trans people? what if they got shot 25 years ago?

no hate to you as a commenter bc it seems you are just repeating a common phrase, but i don’t like how this comment moves the narrative so far beyond. idk, i don’t really like this comment but i don’t want to invalidate the anger, fear and genuine need for change that is behind it. i’m sorry if my perspective is ignorant.

I dunno, sometimes I wanna do violent things to the kind of people who out trans people's closeted alt accounts.

if you out a trans person’s alt account knowing they will experience material harm as a result that is violence.

That's why I don't believe Blahaj zone is a trans friendly instance

!? did blahaj zone out someone’s account? i maybe be out of the loop but you seem to he implying something concerning?

okay, thanks for bringing this to my attention but without damning evidence i have no comment. i have never wished violence upon ada nor do i now.

I don't wish violence on her either. I was just using that to gauge a reaction. 5 months ago when I made that post, a lot of trans people said outing trans people's alt accounts is A-okay. But it seems if you divorce the action from people's heroes, suddenly they have reasonable moral values. I was just having fun with the fact that people react completely differently depending on whether they know who did the act.

?? feel free to dm me about this or direct me to a post that is related to this topic. my original response that started this thread was being uncomfortable with saying the cure for transphobia comes in .50 caliber doses which is a really fucking serious topic. i’d like the current derailment of the conversation to end here, please.

i like to posit that the cure to stupidity comes in death.

That saying has a myriad of flexible interpretations, it's fun.