Mystery dairy cow disease confirmed as highly pathogenic avian influenza to World – 136 points –
Mystery dairy cow disease confirmed as highly pathogenic avian influenza

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All of the animal industries the report examines are far less regulated than they should be and far less than the public believes they currently are. Today, wide regulatory gaps exist through which pathogens can spillover and spread, leaving the public constantly vulnerable to zoonotic disease.

Is just one study. Many say the animal industry is the breeding ground for the next pandemic. Not only in the US but everywhere. The question is not "if" but "when"

The worst part is that we got the warning of a lifetime with Covid. I mean, an actual pandemic with "only" ~1% mortality? That's an absolute dream scenario to exercise for the real 'big one' yet to come.

But we showed that the world wasn't even slightly ready for it, and it seems we have learned very little since.

Yeah, scientists have been warning about that for a long time. You can find these on google if you want. They've always been ignored with the usual "but there is money to be made" argument. And when the infected excrement really hits the rotary air displacement device it'll be "why did nobody stop us" and "how could we have known".

Soon, no more meat because diseases. Forced veganism for everybody.

Netflix had a Docuseries called "Pandemic" in 2019 that showed how virologists and immunologists worked to locate the next pandemic, and most of them agreed that a new pandemic strain of an influenza-type virus was almost inevitable due to zoonotic transmission and factory farming. Almost poetic.

I don't believe in karma, or anything like that, but it is kinda apropos how we as a species got fucked over because of our ghoulish treatment of other species. Animal agriculture is a scourge.