Why is alcohol legal if it's much more harmful than marijuana?

3volver@lemmy.world to No Stupid Questions@lemmy.world – 276 points –

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They tried to make it illegal and the results were disastrous, one could argue the same for marijuana but the campaign to keep it illegal was much more successful.

That's because cannabis was more popular with black people in the 70s. The racists used the cannabis laws against blacks because it gave them a bonner

It definitely started much earlier than that, but yes.

Bootleggers and alcohol could deposit their money in bank accounts. Legal grow-ops* can not.

*I fail to see how autocorrect can "correct" to completely different words in no way similar.

Autocorrect is AI powered now... 🎉

Ooh, no wonder it fails. Tyvm, I have been paying more attention to my posts, but autocorrect corrected, sometimes when the word is still in my vision field, often outside it (possibly a dodgy connection), but when I re-correct words several times and it still automatically incorrect it is especially annoying.