West Virginia passes bill allowing intelligent design to be taught in high school biology classes

dantheclamman@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 206 points –

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It’s not even a theory in the scientific sense, like the theory of evolution is. There is no evidence involved, nor experimental data. Intelligent design was created as an “answer” to evolution, nothing more. It could be taught in a theological class, not biology.

It's even better than that... We do have proof of 'intelligent design', except the intelligence doing the designing was people. Virtually all of our food was cultivated over centuries to be the way it is today. We literally forced evolution to happen to make bananas, tomatoes, corn, wheat, livestock, etc.


I still LOL when I remember Ray Comfort thinking that he really, really had a "gotcha, scientists!" argument when he argued that bananas were designed by a (naturally, his) god.