Online dating to Mildly – 2760 points –

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The whole conversation is a facepalm. This should have been 3 lines:

"What's the last song you saved?"

  'I am not comfortable sharing that information with you'

"Okay, if you're aren't willing to let me get to know your basic interests clearly this isn't the kind of relationship I'm looking for. Good luck and have a nice day" [ends transmission]

That sure would be nice but that pesky ego/personality is a tough one to ignore.

I personally found that a lot of the women I talked to on dating apps acclimate themselves by becoming more jaded, sarcastic etc as a defense.

Can’t blame em haha

If only people were straight forward and detached.

Fantasy: "This relationship is not working out anymore, it is time for a break up/ divorce so we can move on with our long term lives in a more positive way."

"Yes I agree let us proceed forward in a calm and reasonable manor with no screaming or anger. We shall split assets in a fair and non-childish way."

"Okay I will be staying in another house/motel until the house is sold, have a good one"

"You too!"

Reality: 5 hours of incoherent scream fighting, crying and baseless threats followed by another 5 hours of passionate makeup sex

latter sounds great, not really where OP is headed lmao