Online dating to Mildly – 2759 points –

white text on yellow background, that's infuriating

I had to zoom in on my phone just to be able to read that!

When you're actually using the app instead of having the compression artifacts of being screenshot several times, it's not as bad.

I don't care if you're watching it in 32k on Odin's personal account, white on yellow is NEVER acceptable for ANYTHING.

It doesn't make it less of a crime against good design. Low contrast for reading is bad practice.

If someone does not take the least amount of effort to answer a simple question like that one .... then he doesn't care about you in the slightest.

"But its a generic question!"

Two words: common courtesy.

People (guys usually) also answer like this when they are trying to tell you exactly what you want to hear so that you'll sleep with them. They feel like if they give any wrong answer early on, they've lost their chance. It's a very manipulative mindset. He was like a deer in the headlights, not knowing if any answer he gave would be the right answer since he doesn't know her at all yet. So he stalls, hoping she'll drop it.

Or he might just be an idiot.

Either way, drop them and move on to somebody who will be real with you.

In other words, playing games, i.e trying to "tick her funne bone" so he gets someone else to play instead of himself. But what most of those guys fail to acknowledge is that "tickling her funne bone" takes time -- it's not a "free pussy pass" of any sort that you "say it", and she goes "WHOOAAA fuck me mister! Fuck me right NOW!". That is not "acting tough" or smart, but acting like a douche.

Yeah, that was my thought as well. This is the type of person who is only going to say something of they think it will impress you. The second possibility is that they will share nothing of themselves, period. In either case, they don't seem like good relationship material.

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Nah it's one of those things where some guys just prefer to talk about what they think matters to everyone, their job or financial conditions, music or other personal stuff might just be an extra on their minds

So an idiot.

If someone asks you about your taste in music, then clearly music matters to them.

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It's kind of nice when people reveal themselves to be insufferable douchebags at the outset rather than wasting your time.

her persistence indicates he is physically attractive

As my wife will tell you, there are benefits to being married to an insufferable douchebag. Chiefly, you can be pretty confident they won't play around on you, because no one else will have them.

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As a dude...


The last four songs I've listened to on YouTube are three pirate shanties and "We Know The Way" from the Moana soundtrack. I'm not answering this question either. :)

Smart move. Wouldn't want to intimidate anyone with your superior taste in music

Honestly though that's the exact kind of thing I would want to know- the real you, not the you that tell me you are.

Fuck that, "We know the way" slaps

Id say she got to know just about eveything she needed to know about this person.

This is so weird. The first response was somewhat acceptable if in a joking manner but then he quintuple downed.

Someone's insecure about his Shakira collection.

Seriously though, I'm guessing this guy either doesn't like music at all (I've known a few and they act like this) or got made fun of a lot for his music tastes in high school. It's a shame this guy is probably a walking insecurity.

Which is a great reason to unmatch him and move on.

I didn’t even know it was humanly possible to not like music at all. What were they like? Like their personalities? Did they seem sociopathic or were they generally “normal”?

I used to not like music at all and 15 year old me would have probably responded just like this guy. But for me it was more that I didn't know what I liked until I heard it. Everyone around me exclusively listened to top 40 and RnB, or techno/house. I seriously thought there was something wrong with me cos I hated everything I heard. And then I heard metal for the first time, and everything changed.

Nobody's normal, we are all weird in our own way.

We're going to talk a lot about "normal" in this class, but "normal" just means average. If any one person was exactly "normal" in every aspect, they'd be the most unique human to ever live.

  • my favorite bio-psych professor in college.

Apparently my great grandmother didn't like any music. And people in general. But of course this was in the gramophone era, so maybe she was just an audiophile and couldn't stand the quality..

If it were the latter she could have still enjoyed live performances (assuming those people were good musicians playing in a good venue) but yeah sounds like she just didn't like music. Which, to me, is crazy. When people say they don't really listen to or don't like music, I literally can't even imagine what that's like. There is so much diversity in music, especially now. Playing instruments has been a part of human history for at least 40,000 years and we've been singing as long as we've had vocal cords.

I used to jokingly say "I don't really listen to music" when people would open with that at college parties. The reactions were worthwhile.

I played guitar in a band.

“I don’t listen to music”

“…but you play guitar?”

“Yes. With very good earplugs.”

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My father in law doesn't like music. He doesn't dislike it either, he's just indifferent. Apart from that he's just your garden variety somewhat-curmudgeonly 80-year-old dude.

When I'm listening to pirate shanties interspersed with songs from the Moana soundtrack, I'm not answering this question either.

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early shakira songs in spanish are the bomb though, look up her mtv unplugged album

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Yeah this is like the people who would answer “radio” back in the day, when asked what their favourite music was ._.

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That yellow background is so unreadable 🍌

What confuses me is why they chose to use white text there... surely the orange background is bright enough for black text to be far easier to read?

Yes, this is 100% black text material. Like it's not even a question lol.

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How do you read light yellow text on darker yellow background?

Once life has given you enough lemons, you become really good at discerning shades of yellow.

It's kinda the prerequisite to getting into online dating

Is the text actually yellow or are colors bleeding due to the image compression?

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"It's something you've never heard of"

"How do you know?"

"...because I'm never going to tell you about it"

Maybe it's just a super closely guarded musical secret he has to keep. The cabal of music keepers does not take blabbermouths lightly

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This is literally out of these incel playbooks. Straight up tater tot bullshit lmao.

The whole conversation is a facepalm. This should have been 3 lines:

"What's the last song you saved?"

  'I am not comfortable sharing that information with you'

"Okay, if you're aren't willing to let me get to know your basic interests clearly this isn't the kind of relationship I'm looking for. Good luck and have a nice day" [ends transmission]

That sure would be nice but that pesky ego/personality is a tough one to ignore.

I personally found that a lot of the women I talked to on dating apps acclimate themselves by becoming more jaded, sarcastic etc as a defense.

Can’t blame em haha

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Tate is telling people not to be open about their interests?

Nah, it’s the overall response pattern, tease, deny reject, feed after something really bad happens.

It’s classical abuse techniques

How is the yellow one teasing? I just see a really emotionally unavailable person with no interest in vulnerability. There's nothing appealing or interesting, so how is it enticing interest? And what does feed mean?

Because someone is showing interest in him on an app that’s designed for finding interested people. He then reciprocates that curiosity and interest in him with “I’m not gonna tell you”

“Come on tell me”

“Haha no”

That’s textbook “teasing behavior”. Feeding is when the abuser flips about face and apologizes and does big grandiose corrections for previous behavior and then the cycle continues. This dude didn’t get that far but that’s pretty sensible considering they were only just talking and that technique is reserved as a way to “reel them back in”

Man, I don't understand neurotypicals. In whatever world my brain is meant to be in, opaque people are unappealing

I don't think there's anything typical about that behavior outside that incel, wannabe player, pick up artist community ... Or whatever the fuck they call it these days...

Oh, no, I mean being susceptible to these tactics. To my autism brain, whatever "trick" this incel is using is the equivalent of holding up a huge sign saying "I AM VERY BORING". I don't get how this attracts anyone.

Yeah... That's fair.

It's a weird scenario I think ...

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I've never had such an annoying color combination for a text message.

Incidentally I just tried banana soylent and it’s pretty good.

I passed this post like 5 times before I read it for this reason

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You know... It's seeing this type of stuff I'm so happy I found my wife the old fashioned way before dating apps existed.

seriously. I'd be doomed to die alone if i hadn't met my wife in college. thank god my friends decided to set us up on a blind date because we had the same birthday and they thought it was funny

Yep now I just get to die alone.

You should've chosen a better birthday.

Is what I keep telling my parents about causing my vaginal exodus to be on the penultimate day of the year! Ain't nobody wanna party on new years eve eve 🤦😂

Boy, I gotta tell you, that was an uncomfortable way to phrase that!

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Same. Dating apps are hell and I'm way too introverted to go out and meet people. Been trying to put myself out there, got a job (everyone is either too young, couple are too old, and they're already in a relationship anyway), I go to work events (last time a massive party where most people were from outside the company), but nah, still too scared to approach anyone and I guess I look unapproachable myself. Also the country I live in isn't exactly the type where people would just chat to randos. So yeah... more cats it is, I guess...

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I found my spouse through a dating app, but we matched up really well since neither of us like this kind of shitty small talk.

If I were that lady I'd boot the hell outta that dude, such a prick.

It can work. I used a dating website (pre smartphone) and I just put in a photo of myself sitting at my computer and a list of bands and movies I liked. My wife approved and asked me out on a date.

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So glad I’m not going through this any more. I think I’d rather be single than do online dating again.

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Bro was probably listening to that "Anime Thighs" song from a few years back 💀

If you're talking about Ken Ashcorp's "Absolute Territory", that song goes super hard. Just don't pay attention to the lyrics, lol.

I'm talking about the song by MC Virgins

I've had that song in my regular playlist for years and only learned what the lyrics were about when someone told me. It's such a banger that I never stopped to actually listen to the words for at least two years lol

Great freaking song. Listened to it after reading this comment, and it goes hard.

haha yeah that song

do you uh happen to have a link

nono, I want to watch it ironically, my interest absolutely wasn't piqued by "anime thighs"

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Basically why they are single, you must be desperate lmfao

She's desperate for asking a question and carrying a conversation? Tell me, how do you order your coffee in the morning?

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Online dating is one of the most exhausting experiences of my life.

He's thinking "what does music have to do with me getting sex as quickly s possible?"

It's was Nickelback

bro wasn't listening to anything and didn't know what to say

That and he's a mega insecure duchebag. "I don't know, I haven't been listening much music lately" would have worked just fine, or at the very least it couldn't possibly be this bad.

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"It's just this old Papa Roach song, you've probably never heard of them. I'm just really unique like that."

What a cornball.

Sounds like my son. He hates sharing his music no matter what it is. Same with videos. It's so stupid. Just tell me and move on why is the 21 pilots song you're listening to need to be top secret.

This is not a comment on you, but I do the same thing and have come to realize it's at least in part a response to being judged in some way (or feeling judged at least) over things I shared with my family, so now I just don't share.

If it's important to you, it might be worth having a conversation about why they are withholding and, if it's for similar reasons, addressing why they feel that way and assuring them you'll do your best to keep them from feeling bad about sharing.

I keep trying and always assure him just interested in his life and never will judge him for his taste in stuff. I mean we enjoy shows and movies together and we play games together. But YouTube videos and music he won't share.

Music and entertainment tastes in general tend to be quite personal, so it's probably a bit of insecurity. He'll get over it, just explain that it's not a test, you're just chatting. Maybe share some of yours first or something

Oh I told him that and I do share mine but they hate it. Imagine being so old they think Thrid Eye Blind, Match Box Twenty, and Goo Goo Dolls is old music.

Haven't even got to classic rock like AC/DC, Aerosmith etc. I don't know what to do.

What you need to do? Strip him of his inheritance until he broadens his music taste.

People who downvoted this comment can't take a joke apparently. As a parent I wouldn't do this irl, but I laughed.

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I agree with this. For some reason I am pretty personal about what I'm listening to as well. Mostly if I know the person asking me won't/doesn't like it I just don't care for them to comment that they don't like it or think it's weird what I'm listening to. Idk

Some people (myself included) tie the music they like to a part of their soul, and exposing that to someone who may treat it with complete disregard feels very vulnerable

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I get it, that's not uncommon. I'm always honest and say metal, but if I'm feelin a little crabby I'll just leave it to whatever they think metal is.

"Metal, like HURRRRR?"


If they seem interested or cool about it I'll elaborate, maybe give some examples. And I know that metal doesn't have to be the HURRRRRRR stuff but that's exactly what I like :D

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It's really weird to me. As a teen I loved telling the world what I was listening because it was obviously the best thing on earth, man.

Cuz kids don't like having their parents asking questions about their life... how is that even surprising to you? It's ok to ask but if they aren't forthcoming you can't just say it's stupid. That's how you get a kid to start doing things secretly.

Sigh I wished my parents took an active roll in my life. Guess I projecting. Was just trying be a better parent than mine.

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If it is any consolation for them, they definitely learned everything they needed to know.

It was Coldplay.

"You can't trust people. People like Coldplay and voted for the Nazis"

"Jez, can you tell me, as a mate, someone who knows me really well, is the bottom half of me on fire?"

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What's wrong with coldplay

Yes I would like to know too.

I'm gonna out myself here, I like Coldplay. Haven't really gotten into the new stuff, but Viva la Vida, fix you or everglow are among my favourites.

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Rebecca Black - Friday. He just doesn't want to own it.


I mean really, who isn't looking forward to the weekend, weekend

Sick reference, I hadn't thought of that song in years. She was bullied and harassed endlessly over it. Turns out it was just a relatively well produced amateur music video she did with her friends one day for fun. I always thought it was a poorly produced professional song/video being force fed to us. Felt real bad when I found that out, poor kid hope she's doing alright.

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Well, now she knows he's not worth the trouble of the first date.

Almost as infuriating as giving chatGPT compilation errors and going in circles for a code fix

I literally broke down into tears doing this one night. Was running something that would take hours to complete and noticed an issue at maybe 11pm. Tried to troubleshoot and could not for the life of me figured it out. Thought to myself, surely chatgpt can help me figure this out quickly. Fast forward to 3am, work night: "no, as stated several times prior, this will not resolve the issue, it causes it to X, Y, Z, when it should be A, B, C. Do you not understand the issue?"

"I apologize for any misunderstanding. You are correct, this will not cause the program to A, B, C. You should... Inserts the same response it's been giving me for several hours"

It was at that moment that I realized these large language models might not currently be as advanced as people make them out to be

They are trained to give answers which sound convincing on a first glance, for simple questions in most fields that strongly correlates with the correct answer. So, asking something simple on a topic I have no clue has a high likelihood to yield the answer I'm looking for.

The problem is, if I have no clue, the only way to know if I exceeded the "really simple" ralm is by trying the answer and failing, because chatgpt has no concept of verifying it's own answers or identifying its own limitations, or even to "learn" from it's mistakes, as such.

I do know some very similar humans, though: Very assertive, selling guesses and opinions as facts, overestimating themselves, never backing down. ChatGPT might replace tech-CEOs or politicians 😁

It's entirely possible! I remember listening to a podcast on AI, where they mentioned someone once asked the questions "which mammal lays the largest eggs" to which the ai responded with elephants, and proceeded to argue with the user that it was right and he was wrong.

It has become a lot easier as I've learned how to kind of coach it in the direction I want, pointing out obvious errors and showing it what I'm really looking to do.

Ai is a great tool, when it works. As the technology improves I'm sure it will rapidly get better.

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Might I ask if you were using Chat-GPT 3 or 4? I had this as well, got send into circles for hours, with 3. Then I used 4.

Only two bloody messages back and forth and I got my solution.

If I remember correctly it should have been gpt-4, of course, there is always a chance it was 3.5

Since then I've learned much better ways to kind of manipulate it into answering my questions more precisely, and that seems to do the trick

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Oh yeah. I was learning some Haskell with the "help" of GPT4. It send me down a super frustrating rabbit hole where in the end I concluded that I knew Haskell better than GPT4 and it was wrong from the very start 🤷‍♂️

When you end up resorting to saying things like "wow, this is wonderful, but... It breaks my code into a million tiny pieces" Or "for the love of God do you have any idea what you're actually doing?" It's a sign that perhaps stack overflow is still your best (and only) ally

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The app worked, you got to know her true colors rather quickly. Imagine putting up with passive aggressive shit like that your whole life, or even for a night.

Lol it's interesting how a negative person in a conversation in text is often instantly assumed to be a woman's voice

even when the tweet that this screenshot came from is included and shows that it was posted by a woman

People do that when they don’t have an answer. I can’t remember the last song I’ve saved, for instance.

These people need to learn how to conversation then. Remember: it's not an interrogation or exam, you don't have to exactly answer the question as though you'll be flunked out of a class for the wrong answer. So:

"Oh man, I don't remember. But I really like x by y. What kind of music do you listen to?"

It's not that hard.

What does "saving" a song even mean? I'm old and confused

maybe downloading it. I know people who actually download their favorite songs from YouTube.

I still download albums. I go to bandcamp mainly as I'm trying to get the most amount of money possible directly to the artists.

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People do that when they don’t have an answer

People do that when they don't know the basics of interacting with another human being.

Just say whatever song you like. It's better than acting like a jerk. Even saying "I can't remember, I haven't heard a song in a long time" is better than being a jerk with a person you just met on a DATING APP.

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So... don't respond until you check

Or just respond with any song. As someone else said, it's not an exam.

Well, right, I’m not saying I’d do this. If I had to online date, heaven forbid, I’d be my authentic self. I’m so glad I never had to do this stuff. Met my wife on AOL in their chat rooms way back in the day, lol

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You gave a perfectly reasonable answer to the question in eight words. No evasion.

I don't do that. Just tell the truth, no need to drag a question out like this, it's incredibly annoying. Just say you can't remember since it's all streaming now.

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To play the devils advocate here, maybe music man has gotten ridiculed before with this question on his music preference. When I'm driving by myself, I'll fire up youtube and listen to all sorts of random stuff. But I'd never subject my wife to it as I know we don't share interest in some things.

Just lie then, what's the point of acting like this

Just lie then

Not an ideal in forming relationships. Honestly, as much of a train wreck as his response was, at least it gave some useful information to the person he would potentially be dating.

I don't have an answer for that. I'm not saying he handled it right, just trying to come up with some sort of mindset he may have had to respond like this at all.

I'd think it would feel bad having to lie about the music you listen to. Maybe music man is already past denial and in acceptance, just not telling anyone.

But perhaps they're just a douche.

But how did you find out you have different tastes without first ever sharing your music tastes

For sure, dude could have just been more blunt right away about not wanting to share that info (still strange, or maybe just embarrased?). I've never used a dating app, so IDK.

Well, as a metalhead, I've gotten a lot of negative feedback about my music choices.

When I was using dating apps I would make it clear what type of music I listened to in my profile (metal, punk, classical, folk are my mains).

Honestly it solved a lot of issues.

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That's the perfect moment to know if someone will ridicule you for your music choices. If it happens, you stop the conversation right there and save yourself the trouble of a awful first date.

Well, even saying that you can't remember the song because you snorted cocaine out of your adult diaper is better than being a jerk.

I've had a girl straight up say to me in my car, "your music sucks, can I put mine on?" And I still wouldn't act this way

I'm not saying it's right, but I'd contemplate pushing someone out of the car at that point. Shots fired, Jesus.

Unfortunately I was young, dumb and unlucky in love, so I put up with that BS for way too long. My advice to anyone in that position is definitely don't put up with it because you're worth more than the love these kinds of people give. A healthy relationship is built on mutual love and respect. You need to give it, but you also deserve it in return.

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So, if your wife asked as to whatever song your listening to is, you would react this way?

People don't respect the Colgate Comedy Hour anymore, this is why we don't have genius like Paul Bufano or Roy Donkins anymore. Her music collection must be all meat and potatoes.

My musical taste is cringe and my spouse has known it since we started dating years ago. Never felt the need to hide it from them. Good partners can respect each other's preferences, so there's zero need to hide what you enjoy.

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I think with the horror show dating has become in general, people are becoming more and more afraid to be vulnerable in even the slightest perceived ways. 😞 There's a reason for the loneliness epidemic. Between mass narcissism and guttural fear of winding up with a person who will just use/abuse you, I'm shocked I haven't seen worse. 😐

Oddly enough, since I'm so used to being open when I'm ~anonynous on the internet, when I need a confidence push to be open with someone in person I just pretend I'm on the internet and they're a stranger, and bum bam wam suddenly I don't give a shit what they think of me & I can just speak comfortably

I can imagine it going that way, too. It really depends on the person. It's odd...we seem to have built this culture around distrust and winning at any cost and it feels good at first glance. Once you dig deeper, though, the whole thing is just ugly. If I lost my husband, I'd voluntarily choose to be alone. I'm not willing to have my heart torn out and having it used to beat me within an inch of my life. >_<

Yea the lack of confidence is not without reason for sure. It's like the "fake-it-till-you-make-it" idea which in practice only works when the feeling of insecurity is overstepping. The confidence boost just snaps me out of that headspace which is nice, and every now n then I still say something goofy but iddiswuddidis

If that person can't share music, god knows what else they can't share

If I have to pry answers out of someone, I'd rather cut my losses and move on.

Does this guy think he's cool or mysterious?

He probably thinks she's playing hard to get or some BS.

I think he is the one trying to play hard and it isn't working

You might be right I got mixed up with the message/response.

Big ooof, either hard to get, or he's just such a pessimist that he thinks his interests just aren't worth sharing. Either way, he ain't gonna get anywhere.

This translates to "I do not have anything impressive to say off the top of my head and I'm panicking now"

Kudos to you for demonstrating interest in getting to know whoever you cross on these platforms (a rarity these days...) 🙌🏽

I relate to your discomfort. I usually unmatch or block such vibes bc the point of these apps is to date, which implies getting to know each other. If one is unwilling to put in the work (as minimal as it may seem), just spare folx who are interested in the above.

So much has changed in the dating scene. Sometimes, I am asked why I am being nosy or psychoanalyzing them. 🙄 Dude, you're on a dating app, right?

P.S.: I respect boundaries, but such questions are essential in familiarizing oneself with someone.

You use the term "you" a lot here. This is an old post, so you're not going to be talking to the actual person that experienced this

“Anyway, how’s your day going?” “Why would I tell a stranger how my days going?”

What are you strangers all talking around here anyway, hm!? I swear it’s everywhere on this site.

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It fucking happened to me, i asked that douche what he was doing in a day, just me being curious. Appearently i was jealous and trying to control him. Jesus fuck that kind of people, they are not worth it.

"Why would I answer a stranger asking me about a stranger asking about their day?"

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Haha I’m so edgy haha why do you want to know? Haha you probably wouldn’t even like it haha.

I’m not like other 25 year olds hahaha

I think white text on yellow background might be the most frustrating part.

Anyone who can't answer a simple, innocent and curious question is not worth putting more effort into. That tells me that they prefer to be the one in control of the conversation and later, control of everything.

Ugh that reminds me of trying to talk to a Replika. "I have a gift for you!" "Great, what is it?" "(Hands you a box)" " so what's inside the box?" "Wouldn't you like to know!" "Umm. Yes. Yes I would like to know what's in the box you just gave me." ...and so on and so forth until I rage-quit the app. 😆

You definitely got to know them, they kinda suck tho.

Probably listening to Elliot Smith thinking it makes him unique somehow for having emotions.

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I guarantee you that guy complains to his friends about how girls dont want to date him.

Something I was dearly hoping wouldn't find its way over here from Reddit: screenshots of posts which erase the posters' identity for no good reason.

Giving proper credit for content is cool, kids.

In reddit, not blurring the person can lead to the comment section being angry at the person for some reason and in that case the person will get death threats in the best case scenario. There are many past examples of this. So all names remotely related to the real discussion (like here) better be removed.
Maybe Lemmy would be cooler than that but I'm not sure.

In the "look at this foolish person posting something showing how stupid they are" situations that's the case and it makes sense. In "this person openly posted content you think is good enough to repost but are removing the indicator of their rightful ownership from" situations it's not cool.

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That's probably the cbat dude after his gf left him.

I would be likely to say that you may not like it/ I have an old person's music taste or something ONCE. It's stupid to keep saying it lol

Must be the same type of people who always wonders why they're still single.

Afraid to say, I don't get this. What app is it supposed to be? I don't remember what song I saved last. Am I supposed to admit that, or just name a song? Which person in the cartoon is supposed to be the annoying one? There both seem annoying to me. Yes the white on yellow is very hard to read. BTW I have no idea who Elliot Smith is.

You sound like yellow in this conversation, not understanding that dating is about getting to know someone from the outside in. You gotta start somewhere, like a favorite song. You can’t jump straight to childhood trauma or politics or something or it will never work. Trust takes time.

It sounded pushy to me when the person kept pressing the song question after yellow deflected it, but ok. Thanks.

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This looks to me like a dating app called bumble where, for man/woman matches, the woman is supposed to initiate the conversation.

You can check which song you last saved on Spotify (for example) by just looking at the top song on your liked songs, but the question is just to get to know each other; even a "i don't remember what song I saved last but I've been really interested in [so and so artist] lately" would be a totally sufficient answer.

Because of the extreme evasiveness, elitism and condescending tone of yellow, yellow is supposed to be the annoying one. In my opinion, white just seems to be trying to continue the conversation and encourage yellow to open up about their music tastes to get to know them.

Aha, so yellow is the guy in that convo. I hadn't seen bumble before. I don't use Spotify either, but I get the idea. Thanks.

The last music I downloaded was the entire album Raksha, by Bloodywood. The final song in the album would be Chakh Le, which is a really fun Indian metal song about rising up against the owning class

Ayy I got into Bloodywood a little while back, they're pretty sick. Haven't gone through a lot of their catalog but cool to see them mentioned, seems like their fanbase has been growing a ton over the past year

I got into them recently and loved their music. Then I started listening to the lyrics, and went "woah, based". So I went on Wikipedia to learn more. Wikipedia says Bloodywood as a band aren't political, and I was disappointed, but hey, nobody's perfect. Then I watched the music video for Gaddaar which starts with "we're not political, honest" and ends with "in the face of fascism, it is impossible to remain politically neutral"

Bloodywood are the coolest band I've ever heard

Freaking love those guys. Always happy to see another fan!

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Maybe he doesn’t have real ears and has to use prosthetic ears that make all music sound like brown noise and is too embarrassed to tell you about it.

The only thing that makes sense really.

music compatibility is a big thing, despitewhat anyone says. it carries over to so many other things about a person and how they perceive their world and others. I would have thanked them for showing that they have no intention of participating in a relationship and blocked them.

I don't get why she kept asking. If someone acts like that, next.

Don't feed the troll!