Online dating to Mildly – 2759 points –

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You know... It's seeing this type of stuff I'm so happy I found my wife the old fashioned way before dating apps existed.

seriously. I'd be doomed to die alone if i hadn't met my wife in college. thank god my friends decided to set us up on a blind date because we had the same birthday and they thought it was funny

Yep now I just get to die alone.

You should've chosen a better birthday.

Is what I keep telling my parents about causing my vaginal exodus to be on the penultimate day of the year! Ain't nobody wanna party on new years eve eve 🤦😂

Same. Dating apps are hell and I'm way too introverted to go out and meet people. Been trying to put myself out there, got a job (everyone is either too young, couple are too old, and they're already in a relationship anyway), I go to work events (last time a massive party where most people were from outside the company), but nah, still too scared to approach anyone and I guess I look unapproachable myself. Also the country I live in isn't exactly the type where people would just chat to randos. So yeah... more cats it is, I guess...

I found my spouse through a dating app, but we matched up really well since neither of us like this kind of shitty small talk.

If I were that lady I'd boot the hell outta that dude, such a prick.

It can work. I used a dating website (pre smartphone) and I just put in a photo of myself sitting at my computer and a list of bands and movies I liked. My wife approved and asked me out on a date.