Online dating to Mildly – 2760 points –

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Afraid to say, I don't get this. What app is it supposed to be? I don't remember what song I saved last. Am I supposed to admit that, or just name a song? Which person in the cartoon is supposed to be the annoying one? There both seem annoying to me. Yes the white on yellow is very hard to read. BTW I have no idea who Elliot Smith is.

You sound like yellow in this conversation, not understanding that dating is about getting to know someone from the outside in. You gotta start somewhere, like a favorite song. You can’t jump straight to childhood trauma or politics or something or it will never work. Trust takes time.

It sounded pushy to me when the person kept pressing the song question after yellow deflected it, but ok. Thanks.

First, they’re gobsmacked that they wouldn’t answer it. Then it becomes obvious it’s a red flag. Finally they know they’ll never meet this person in real life, so why not fuck with them.

I’m saying, it’s a journey.

Ic, makes sense. Tell me something else, do those "normies" (I haven't met very many) actually have substantial text conversations on those annoying on screen phone keyboards? I can stand one or two texts that way, but then want to move to a real computer.

Yeah, for sure. People will just tap away literally all day.

This looks to me like a dating app called bumble where, for man/woman matches, the woman is supposed to initiate the conversation.

You can check which song you last saved on Spotify (for example) by just looking at the top song on your liked songs, but the question is just to get to know each other; even a "i don't remember what song I saved last but I've been really interested in [so and so artist] lately" would be a totally sufficient answer.

Because of the extreme evasiveness, elitism and condescending tone of yellow, yellow is supposed to be the annoying one. In my opinion, white just seems to be trying to continue the conversation and encourage yellow to open up about their music tastes to get to know them.

Aha, so yellow is the guy in that convo. I hadn't seen bumble before. I don't use Spotify either, but I get the idea. Thanks.

The last music I downloaded was the entire album Raksha, by Bloodywood. The final song in the album would be Chakh Le, which is a really fun Indian metal song about rising up against the owning class

Ayy I got into Bloodywood a little while back, they're pretty sick. Haven't gone through a lot of their catalog but cool to see them mentioned, seems like their fanbase has been growing a ton over the past year

I got into them recently and loved their music. Then I started listening to the lyrics, and went "woah, based". So I went on Wikipedia to learn more. Wikipedia says Bloodywood as a band aren't political, and I was disappointed, but hey, nobody's perfect. Then I watched the music video for Gaddaar which starts with "we're not political, honest" and ends with "in the face of fascism, it is impossible to remain politically neutral"

Bloodywood are the coolest band I've ever heard

Freaking love those guys. Always happy to see another fan!