Smart devices are turning out to be a poor investment to – 228 points –

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I mean, I've had the same Roku attached to my TV for 6 years and still no issues with it; I don't anticipate any problems for some time.

Are you concerned about the forced arbitration they recently pushed on everyone? That caused me to drop them but I’m curious about your take.

For those that don't know, forced arbitration or they'll brick *the device you *paid for. Before you agreed to that.

Not who you responded to but I am absolutely concerned about it. I use my Roku currently, but when it dies or I upgrade, there's no chance I'll continue to support that company and their bullshit. And the enshittification of greedy companies continues...

Thanks for the elaboration. I was really dismayed because the Roku stick felt like the simple, safe option for so long compared to Amazon and Google. I’d pay extra for an Apple TV, but sometimes I actually like the stick format.

Totally, me too. ☹️ I think the issue is that, like smart TVs, these companies still have so, so much control over your device after you buy it, up to and including making it completely inoperable...

Yeah, it’s a double-edged sword to have things that can constantly update, for better or worse.

Not really. I've not been prompted to agree to anything, and these types of EULA terms are not enforcable where I live.

I got mine for free as a promotional item 7 years ago. It was bottom of the line at the time, and I’m still using it today. It works great.