Vim prank: alias vim='vim -y' to – 143 points –
Vim prank: alias vim='vim -y'

Did you know that Vim has an Easy mode? It's the hardest mode for those already familiar with Vim 🙃


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Can't find it now, but someone once made a vi [gVim?} version with a Clippy-style helper: "I see you've pressed ESC. Would you like to...."

That started out as a fictional implementation in the turn-of-the-century webcomic User Friendly (main site died a while back, unfortunately), and then someone decided that it would be fun to implement it for real.

The one in the comic was deliberately created to be evil. Not sure about the real-world implementation.

Oh no. I thought it was an April fools joke. UF truly is no more.

Time to donate to the Internet Archive.

The kakoune editor cimes with clippy by default. It's not exactly a Vim version though, but close enough.