Hillary Clinton to voters upset over Biden-Trump choice: ‘Get over yourself’

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 96 points –
Hillary Clinton to voters upset over Biden-Trump choice: ‘Get over yourself’

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"should do" and "to do" are two entirely different things. :)

Well… they also do that.

Also, even taking that statement as literal - is that supposed to be a good thing? “Despite his staff and advisors urging him to not run again, in a bid for power he is again!”

It's not "in a bid for power", it's to block Trump. If Trump weren't running Biden would likely dust off his hands, go "My work here is done!" and quietly retire at the end of his term.


If something happened to take Trump out of the race, especially between now and the conventions in July and August, I think Biden would bow out, but he won't as long as Trump is around.

I simply don’t believe that Biden is the most electable person in the country against Trump lol

He's the only person who's already beaten him.

Well, I guess we’ll have to see if he can do it again. I don’t bemoan people for voting for him, but he doesn’t have mine

so you're voting for Trump? effectively or directly?

No, I’m just voting third party.

that's what I said. you're effectively voting for Trump.

You don't understand how the voting system in the USA works, obviously, which is a shame.

I look forward to preferential/ ranked voting coming in, but until that day, you're a fucking retard.

How is it that there are all these people who have nothing to do with political office in their daily lives who know all the personal conversations and thoughts of the inner circles of the presidency?

Are you unaware of the extremely basic fact that essentially every president in US history has relied incredibly strongly on a wide team of advisors and cabinet members.

They teach you that in middle school civics. Did you think the presidency was like in a movie where it’s just one guy who decides to do everything he does? Do you think Biden sits there with a calculator running the numbers??

Certain flanks of the party saying he shouldn't but not putting up anyone who should is hardly a consensus, plus to assume it's 'a bid for power', like some kind of movie super villain here, totally not like something someone who would try and prevent congressional certification of the election would do.

I do tire of these threads, 'Trump is evil incarnate and must be stopped by... scattering votes for the only viably running candidate all over the map?'.