Hillary Clinton to voters upset over Biden-Trump choice: ‘Get over yourself’

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 96 points –
Hillary Clinton to voters upset over Biden-Trump choice: ‘Get over yourself’

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He said to cope with facts he had no retorts for.

The fact that I’m a far left Republican, that is

Lmao, sure. So far left you want Trump elected.

I’d prefer if he didn’t, but ultimately my belief in democracy and leftist policies outweighs my drive to side with a minor fascist over a major fascist.

You vote for your conscience buddy. You can be a far right Democrat, I’ll be a far left Republican. It’s cute.

You mean you want Trump to win but are embarrassed to admit it.

Not really. He probably will thanks to individuals such as yourself. But to each their own.

Really, I’m not sure what you’re so mad about. Is this your first election or something?


So, yes.

Yes, you are coping. That's why I said it. Glad you recognize it as true.

You are going to a 2 party election and not participating, which means you have a tacit agreement with the status quo.

If you had a legitimate candidate, they would have primaried for one of the 2 parties that will actually matter in the election. If they can't win a primary against the major candidates, guess what sherlock, they ain't winning the election.

If you aren't aware of the 2 party system in the United States, then I agree it is probably your first election.

Actually I’m just going to a presidential election and then participating. I’m not going to win, but that’s not my fault.

I get it, it’s your first election, it’s very special and important to you that everyone votes exactly like you do. And I get it, because the Democratic Party is investing a lot of money into messaging campaigns right now to “spread the word” about how it’s “just a binary election”. That’s alright.

I live in a swing state. I’ve voted democrat in the elections every year since I could vote. I’m not going to this year. I guess they should have done better. 🤷‍♂️

Lmao, you couldn't address what was said.

Embarrassed Republican through and through.

Do you want to clarify that. I feel like I responded to you