Several Trump supporters involved in Jan. 6 are running for office this year to politics – 330 points –
Several Trump supporters involved in Jan. 6 are running for office this year

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They are but you can't challenge it until they run

It looks like all these people are already running though?

and even then its not worth it to fight it until they're elected

Disagreed, just in general it is always worth fighting to keep anti-democractic insurrectionists out of government, plus I could see a court saying something like

"Well, we don't like allowing insurrectionists in government, but we also don't like going against the will of the people, and they did win. Maybe if this has been challenged far enough in advance that the Republicans had a reasonable opportunity to find a different candidate to run we'd be ok doing this, but now it just feels anti-democractic... Karl Popper? Never heard of him."

You misunderstand, the legal battle isn't worth it until they win because the battle will be expensive as fuck and if they lose it never needed to have money spent on it.

Politics are a marathon not a sprint and a big part of that is knowing when to fight and lose money for a pyrrhic victory and when the ends don't justify the means.

Ah yes, money first, constitution and democracy second. How American of you.

No one is saying that, I'm saying not every fight is worth the expense, some are some aren't she you need to have reserves for the ones that are.

Most of these hillbillies probably barely have the money to campaign, let alone hire a defense team to make a case of it in court. Just say, nah, You're ineligible to run. And as if the courts don't have ridiculous, frivolous cases all the time anyway

Indeed, so why spend money fighting a non issue when there are actual issues to spend on. Doesn't matter if its frivolous or not it will cost money to pursue.

To uphold the constitution!?

These courts no concerns ever burning taxpayer dollars on much less pressing issues all the time!

I guarantee that if they don't stand up now, it has nothing to do with legal cost. It has absolutely everything to do with fear of backlash from ludicrous dipshits, and having to have the spine to tell them to fucking deal with it

You can do that without throwing money into bottomless holes.

And your solution is that its a waste but they're already doing it so waste more time and money? Not reform but instead keep doing it but just do it the way you'd like.

That's also an issue yes, but again throwing away time and money on a non issue only to get death threats from fuckwits is not at all worth it. Spend your time and money on it boss, no one is stopping you and to borrow a few words "I guarantee that if they you don't stand up now, it has nothing to do with legal cost."