Daylight saving creator left the chat.... to Programmer – 1085 points –

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The UK press every year makes a huge song and dance in opinion pieces about getting rid of DST. However I'm always horrified to see that people want us to keep British Summer Time instead of Grenwich Mean Time. I understand that there are "longer evenings" in BST; however we literally invented GMT and coerced the rest of the world to adjust their times based on that. From the point of view of being constantly compatible with UTC and having more consistent business hours for international companies it makes more sense to me if we kept GMT.

Also the longer evenings thing can be achieved by simply staying up an hour later. It's not exactly like an hour is being stolen from you when the times switch, the change of clocks are mainly pointless admin.

Lastly I read an article recently that described a correlation between the incidence of heart attacks and the clocks changing. The theory is that just slightly messing with people's sleeping patterns can cause additional strain on the body.

No the longer evenings are achieved by work starting and ending an hour earlier. And it's literally easier to change the time zone than to change corporate culture.

So would you be team BST if we had to pick one? I'm just personally not sure it's such a loss when the sun is out until 10pm at the height of summer.

Edit: to be honest that would probably be my 2nd preference. Anything except the system we have now where the clocks change!

I think I want work to end an hour earlier in the winter because of how early the sun sets, and care much less about the summer. So however it's done, it would be great if office jobs could happen when it's dark outside and we could live our lives during daylight.

Mmm yeah I've noticed that my retired parents keep telling me what a great summer we're having every year and I'm completely unaware of it due to being cooped up inside.

Another point for GMT, in the mid '70s, the US went onto DST year round for a couple years. People hated it so much they changed back to switching the time.

If we wanna do away with DST and BST, we need to go back to standard time, as the later sunset in the summer translates to no sunlight for workers in the winter