Probably the wrong meme format to Programmer – 109 points –

Let's reinvent java bytecode but... different


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Do you really think the reason people hate Java is because it uses an intermediate bytecode? There's plenty of reasons to hate Java, but that's not one of them.

.NET languages use intermediate bytecode and everyone's fine with it.

Any complaints about Java being an intermediate language are due to the fact that the JVM is a poorly implemented dumpster fire. It's had more major vulnerabilities than effing Adobe Flash, and runs like molasses while chewing up more memory than effing Chrome. It's not what they did, it's that they did it badly.

And WASM will absolutely never replace normal JS in the browser. It's a completely different use case. It's awesome and has a great niche, but it's not really intended for normal web page management use cases.

And WASM will absolutely never replace normal JS in the browser. It's a completely different use case. It's awesome and has a great niche, but it's not really intended for normal web page management use cases.

While I overall agree that JS / TS isn't likely to be replaced, Microsoft's Blazor project is interesting conceptually .... Write C# webpages and have it compile down to WASM for more performance than JS could offer.

Interesting, yeah. I inherited a Blazor project though and have nothing positive to say about it really. Some of it is probably implementation, but it's a shining example of how much better it is to choose the right tool for the job, rather than reinventing the wheel. For a while I was joking about setting the whole project "ablazor" until we finally decided to go back to a React/C# ASP.NET stack. If you're thinking of using Blazor still, though, I think two fun things to look into are "linting issues with Blazor" and "Blazor slow". I've heard people praise it, but they tend to be those who consider themselves backend devs that occasionally get stuck making frontends.

What, you can write a website in C# and have It output as a website using wasm? I have never touched wasm. That might be an interesting way to try it though.

The problem with blazor as I understand it, is that no, it does not compile your C# into WASM. Instead, it compiles into a standard .net module -- with as much excising of unused code as possible -- and distributes it with a CLR that is compiled to WASM. So effectively you're running the .net VM inside the WASM VM. If you do client-side blazor, which is not even MS's push anymore because they stand to make more money if you write server-side blazor and deploy it to Azure.

Do look it up yourself tho. I could have a totally wrong understanding. I haven't looked into it in some time because I've not been in a position to start a new frontend project from scratch. I would love to do my frontend stuff in C# though, don't get me wrong.

Do you really think the reason people hate Java is because it uses an intermediate bytecode? There’s plenty of reasons to hate Java, but that’s not one of them.

No, I do not. It's a meme.

::: spoiler Anti Commercial AI thingy CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 :::

Which is functionally identical to the last one you posted. Are you just doing the same joke in every format you can? Fuck the internet sucks now.