Greta Thunberg detained at The Hague climate demonstration

Mysteriarch ☀️ to World – 492 points –
Greta Thunberg detained at The Hague climate demonstration

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What I think I've noticed about lemmy, I guess reddit as well, and maybe just the modern internet, is that people are very vulnerable to obvious bad faith bait. The classic strategy of "do not feed the troll" doesn't really seem to be one that most people are familiar with. I can sort of get behind social shaming strategies, which might require engagement, but I think the sad truth is just that most people can't help themselves when it comes to responding to a troll.

I think your problem is that you assume everyone who disagrees with you or the tribe is a troll.

I think everyone's problem is that there are actually somehow still people that believe climate change is a hoax.

Those people aren't trolls or disagreeing with "the tribe". These people are absolute idiots. They need to be shamed and called out.