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"it gives me pleasure" is the logic of a rapist

Most meat eaters are too chicken shit and lazy to slaughter their own food. I certainly don't have the stomach to, which is why my meat eating is rapidly approaching zero

I have shot, gutted, skinned, butchered and processed more animals that most people have laid eyes on in their lifetimes. I've either raised or hunted nearly every bit of meat I've eaten in the last 15 years, and given way more of it away to food banks and needy neighbors than I've eaten myself.

But I agree, people should be prepared to kill their own meat, it makes them appreciate it more.

"It gives me pleasure" is the logic for donating to charity as well

Ok yeah in full: "the suffering caused is justified by the pleasure I received" is the argument theyre using and it justifies a whole bunch of shitty things like rape

Got it. Eating meat is the exact same thing as rape. No difference at all.

That is not what they said. The argument is that we normally all agree that "but I like it" is not a valid argument to cause harm to others. Why should it suddenly be a valid argument to cause harm to animals?

I mean its murder, I'm not going to weigh which is worse murder or rape theyre just both bad dont do them "but it gives me pleasure" is not an excuse for either murder or rape

ahhh, youth. To have the sanctimonious, patronizing zeal of a recent convert again...

I deserve to read this garbage for being one of you for more than a decade. Then my fucking system gave out and stopped being able to digest soy and gluten so I had to get back on the meat wagon. At least I dropped a bunch of weight and got my libido back, so I guess there's that

Oh, isn't it annoying to be reminded of your own misplaced zealotry? I used to be like this about atheism, like 20 years ago. What a smug cunt I was. Not that I stopped being an atheist, just that at one point the smugness hit a singularity and I came out the other side going "what was I thinking? I'm not going to change anyone's mind, and in the process, being a twat to anyone I disagree with and getting my blood pressure up isn't doing me any favours."

And hell yah, eating mostly meat and fat is an amazingly effective way to lose weight and fix a lot of stomach issues. Carbs are evil to the body.