Nothing to See Here, Just a GOP Politician Leaving a Loaded 9-mm Glock in the Bathroom of the Colorado State Capitol to politics – 306 points –
Nothing to See Here, Just a GOP Politician Leaving a Loaded 9-mm Glock in the Bathroom of the Colorado State Capitol

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Holy shit, this is terrifying. For the entire run time of an episode of Rick and Morty, there was a space where there was a loaded, unattended gun in the state capitol that literally anyone in the building might've happened to find, pick up, and do whatever they want with it.

How can this not be an immediate wake-up call that stricter gun control legislation is necessary? This is Colorado, not Texas, I really hope most of the voters here, even ones that lean conservative, aren't so far gone that they can't see how crazy of a situation this is. Maybe that's naive but I really hope it's not.

In Texas this happens so often we get training on what to do if we find an unsupervised gun in a bathroom at the state owned hospital where I work. We're also not legally allowed to prevent people from carrying weapons in the whole hospital because guns > patients.

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