Live updates: Iran’s retaliatory attack on Israel has begun to – 255 points –
Live updates: Iran’s retaliatory attack on Israel has begun

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On an embassy. And Iran's targeting non civilian infrastructure. Which Israel hadn't had the decency to do. Man, wherever you live has an education system that failed you completely.

So? Human lives in embassies are not more precious than whoever Iran is trying to kill right now.

Have whoever is reading the words on your computer to you google why that's not acceptable.

An embassy is no more unacceptable a target than any other civilian building. And civilian buildings have been targeted for years by both sides.

You didn't do what I asked. I'd like to have a word with whoever is reading my comments aloud to you.

I did. But whenever I google what you write, the results are just blog posts by anti-semites.

What is the literate person helping you searching up? "Articles about why it's a bad thing to bomb embassies written by antisemites"?

"Why it's a bad thing when Jews kill people, and why you shouldn't pay attention when Jews are killed".

Yet again the antisemitic trope that Israel represents Judaism.

Stop being antisemitic.

I hope they will be able to get every israeli army bastard and while leadership. I know they unfortunately won't, due to all high-tech defense systems given to Israel by the US. israel is just a nazi state.