Gaza war protesters shut down Golden Gate Bridge, block traffic in other cities to – 654 points –
Gaza war protesters shut down Golden Gate Bridge, block traffic in other cities

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yes bro. Your morning or afternoon commute becoming an hour longer is equivilant to having your people wiped off the face of the earth. Truly they can't see this hypocrisy for what it is!!

It shows how little some people value the lives of brown people on another continent. How many people would have to die before they'd consider foregoing their mocha latte?

One thing has nothing to do with the other. Hurting one person doesn't help another.

Sure it does, these protests certainly help the Kremlin.

So Biden is a Kremlin cut-out for supporting the genocide? Stop getting this logic from Dollar General and shop at Costco.

Ah yes Schrodinger's protest. It is at once not a big deal and at the same time a big deal that will cause change.

Hey just curious, when you were being taught in school to raise awareness did they maybe mention something about how the process of abstraction works? No? Ok, guess it is my job. A =/ B, just because A does not equal B does not mean have nothing in common.

Edit: never mind, just noticed you are using an alt-account. Makes sense now.