Gaza war protesters shut down Golden Gate Bridge, block traffic in other cities to – 654 points –
Gaza war protesters shut down Golden Gate Bridge, block traffic in other cities

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When did I even imply that it justified that? Why do you think the only two options are 'abandon your car' or 'run people over?' Because I'm pretty sure the people actually on the bridge didn't attempt either.

If you hold me hostage, violence is an option.

Read the comment that started this whole shitshow. That, ultimately, is what you're supporting!

No, ultimately, it isn't.

I think I have a better idea of what I support than you do.

So are you repudiating your previous comments in this thread defending the false characterization of getting stuck in traffic as a "hostage situation" and supporting those who advocated violence against protestors?

Please quote me supporting the comments that advocate such things. Let's see where I did such a thing.

Replying in a comment chain where such things are mentioned does not indicate support.

Are you willing to say "I reject the premise that blocking traffic is a 'hostage situation' and I do not support violence against protestors?"

If you're not willing to say that, well, we know where you stand.

I'm not going to follow your orders, but I already made it very clear that I do not support running over protesters, so I'm not sure why you need me to take your loyalty oath.