Trump supporters gather outside courthouse and ask: Who among us hasn’t paid for sex? to – 548 points –
Trump supporters gather outside courthouse and ask: Who among us hasn’t paid for sex?

Donald Trump has not been accused of paying for sex, but several supporters protesting outside of his trial on Monday wanted to make it clear that they have. It seems the crowds that come out to protest the persecution of the former president are getting smaller, and weirder

Today, however, the crowd had thinned to a handful of true believers and true characters – those who don’t leave their house without a giant flag, a bullhorn, and an offensive T-shirt they made themselves.

It’s not only that the crowds are getting smaller, it’s that they are getting significantly weirder.

Of the people willing to step up to a microphone outside the courthouse and defend Mr Trump for allegedly paying off a porn star to hide his alleged affair from prospective voters, two offered something of a wild defence: that they opposed the charges because they too had paid for sex on more than one occasion, and assumed most men had done the same

It didn’t matter to them that Mr Trump is not being accused of paying for sex, but rather accused of having embarked on several extra-marital affairs and falsifying business records over payments made to hide those affairs from the voting public in 2016.


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To be fair, even if you're not going for a prostitute, men are still paying for sex in the end.

Buying dinner, gifts, paying for events, etc. All of that is what makes men more attractive in the eyes of females.

South Park did a good episode on it.

Edit: Seems like a lot of people have a problem with hard truths here, and that's understandable.

But really, no need for the personal insults.

To be more fair, it's irrelevant to the case that he paid for sex.

Not irrelevant, but it's not the illegal thing he's on trial for.

This is such an unhealthy take.

Sorry, man

It's just reality.

Yeah, sorry to hear that for you

It's reality for all of us.

People here like to ignore hard truths, though.

It's really not.

I mean, it's two things, really. I'm sorry to hear that "females" in your life are all that shallow. I mean, not going to say that many people don't like being treated or etc, but I never really dated women who cared about that stuff much, personally. But second, treating dating so transactionally is, well, a shame.

We're just going to have to disagree on this.

Probably we just have had different experiences.

Which is why I was saying sorry

"Never take relationship advice from someone who refers to women as feeeeeemales" is like the internet equivalent of "never trust a person with shiny gear"

Can you point out what I said that wasn’t true?

If you think that sex even requires buying gifts, or that buying gifts makes men more "attractive", you're delusional.

To be fair, if you have an extremely toxic personality that no woman seeking a desirable partner would tolerate, it's probably easier to court less serious women with gifts in a bid for transactional sex.

As for the "females" bit, sure, women are females, but so is my dog, and she's literally a removed (lol at my instance censoring me for saying this).

So if you can't muster humanizing language like "woman", and instead cling to sterile and human-nonspecific language like "females", you aren't wrong, you're just an asshole.

But yes, this guy absolutely is delusional if he thinks this is the way of the world.

It doesn't "require" it.

All of that is what makes men more attractive in the eyes of females.

Brush up on your reading comprehension.

Your point would've been better recepted if you wouldn't have said females.

Nah, it was sexist already without the dehumanizing language.

Nothing that I said was sexist.

Can you point out what I said that wasn't true?

Buddy, you call women "females". That alone is a gigantic red flag that you don't respect women. Nobody that respects women talks like that. Women certainly notice shit like that when they're considering whether or not a man is worth their time and energy.

As for your insistence that I prove you wrong, let's just say that I have no doubt that you're telling the truth when you say that women won't sleep with you organically. Everything else is just an extremely toxic expression of opinion that doesn't deserve to be taken seriously by anyone who knows better.

You might want to self-reflect on the way you feel about women and consider why so many people here aren't seeing things the way you do. Nothing about what you said rings true to me, because I've always treated women like they are human beings who exist for reasons other than fulfilling my sexual desires. That mentality has gotten me a lot farther than your attitude seems to have gotten you.

Nobody that respects women talks like that.

Wrong, but ok.

let’s just say that I have no doubt that you’re telling the truth when you say that women won’t sleep with you organically.

I never said that. You must not be able to comprehend English like the other guy who claimed I said it was "required."

I specifically said: "Buying dinner, gifts, paying for events, etc. All of that is what makes men more attractive in the eyes of females" which is true.

You're arguing against what I'm not saying and getting mad at me for it, lol.

You might want to self-reflect on the way you feel about women and consider why so many people here aren’t seeing things the way you do.

Well: you and the other guy are showing me you can't read well, the snowball effect is very prevalent on these forums, and many of you people just ignore facts you don't like or pretend they don't make sense.

Are you familiar with argumentum ad populum? You should come across it when you go to college.

I specifically said: "Buying dinner, gifts, paying for events, etc. All of that is what makes men more attractive in the eyes of females" which is true.

That might true for you if "Buying dinner, gifts, paying for events, etc." is the bulk of what you can offer a woman you are interested in. The fact that you use derogatory language to make this point leads credibility to that theory in relation to you.

Are you familiar with argumentum ad populum? You should come across it when you go to college.

Good lord, just shut up. Your entire point here is just an anecdotal fallacy in that you think your personal experiences with women constitute a universal truth about women. What I'm telling you isn't that my point of view is right because people agree with me - I'm telling you that if you smell shit everywhere you go, to check your shoes.

and many of you people just ignore facts you don’t like or pretend they don’t make sense.

Thanks for proving my point.

Medium "articles" are just blogs, by the way.

I’m telling you that if you smell shit everywhere you go, to check your shoes.

Or maybe grow up and see things for what they really are. Money runs the world, sweetie.

You're just trying to attack me personally because I'm saying things you do not like. It's better to be ignorant than to accept hard truths, in your mind.

I hope you can find yourself a healthy relationship one of these days pal.